
She might as well have been wearing a red shirt.

Joan finally gets an opportunity without sexual strings attached.
Of course, It comes from a guy who sees in 2-D.

Nope, Mayor McCheese lost his re-election bid to John Tory.

And a talking pie. That goes back in time. For some reason.

A little old/square to have been aware of these guys in the early nineties - eternal thanks to Ben Folds for covering Twin Falls and sparking my curiosity of this band. I think his line on the live recording was "there was a time that we could have just been a Built to Spill cover band".

I watched the Season Premiere on my Television Set. That was funny to write and then read out loud.

Yeah but look at that pic! Well Ahoy there sexy!

60% of the time it works every time.

Moff Diver

reposted in more appropriate thread below

Let's get him!

Jar Jar Chappie.

I can't get past his performance in Be Cool. Might be the worst thing ever captured on film. It's like the opposite of a life-time pass. It's a life-time taint.

New Canadian money also smells like Maple Syrup. That's a fact.

Anytime someone breaks into "Luck Be A Lady" i break out into "Luke Be a Jedi Tonight". Quietly - you know like just in my head.

I think we've seen enough. Thanks for your time.

A golden retriever that can go back in time for some reason?

Oh i miss Horsefellow S0 MUCH.

Dear Savage Love,
My girlfriend will only have sex if we include her anthropomorphized cactus. How to I tell her I'd like to just keep it vanilla once in a while?
Please help,
Won't Actually Keep Kimahri Alive

He's smart and funny but lacks Jon's warmth.