
^^^ ALL my thoughts. Cage, and to a lesser extent his father, killed his own people when he refused to use the diplomatic route. There was no reason for the Arkers to die for the MM to get bone marrow but he was like a kid in a candy store wanting everything and wanting it now.

oh god yes Baltar and Six ad nauseum

Yea but approval is not acceptance. I agree that there was a certain comradery there but that doesn't mean they're ready to welcome her into the village and let her pitch a tent next to theirs. You can respect an outsider and even like them but that doesn't mean you accept them as one of you. If any society seems to

"Love triangles make the world go rou- no, wait, I'm wrong, it's "make good shows go to shit."

Thank You!!! From all the comments on here I was beginning to think I was the only one who didn't see Clarke/Lexa being into each other. I just thought it was all the shippers on here seeing what they wanted to see. Only when Lexa backed up in this episode did I see it. Because, as you said, she would never have done

"that embracing binary oppositions always ends tragically, and the only
way we can survive (in both love AND war) is to occasionally allow other
people to change our minds without losing our own."

Yea I got that too. Plus did he refer to Bellamy as a 'norm' when he said he didn't know what a piece of equipment was? I got the sense that there was a scientific community on the Ark and they referred to everyone else as the other outside of their group.

I would hope that Octavia is smart enough to know that the Grounders have NOT taken her in. They've trained her, yes. But she is hardly one of them and I don't think they see her as such either.

I agree. I have definitely seen Clarke thinking and taking stock and deciding to not act from the Book of Lexa just because she's more experienced. The past few episodes have shown her to be pushing back a little at Lexa's way of thinking. She's slowly but surely becoming the kind of leader SHE wants to be and not

I don't think she's going to get a pass. There are just more pressing concerns to be dealt with now. When the war is over, or at the very least the immediate danger has passed, then all reckoning of everyone's actions will be done.

hold up. Gaeta is gay/bi? I don't remember that. (runs to BSG wiki)

I would say war is the perfect time. All the adrenaline pumping, the thought that you and everyone you know might not live to see tmr, why not indulge in the most life affirming act of the human experience.

Yup. That's exactly what I got from the episode too. Even Lexa only had a moment to look back once to see her village/people burning. Besides don't the grounders have a saying for that in their culture anyway? Indra said this to Octavia last week: A warrior does not mourn those she has lost until after the battle is

This is exactly what I got from the episode. Its not just about saving their people on the inside anymore its more about stopping Mt Weather. And the only way they can do that is with an inside man. If Bellamy gets discovered, the jig is up. Still a hard decision to make though because you're still sacrificing your

There's one thing that's confusing me about the Reapers. How does a drug suddenly make you want to eat people? I get that the Mountain Men use the drug to turn the Grounders into soldiers who will do anything for the next fix but cannibalism…?? I can't remember if this was shown in the episode when Lincoln was being

Exactly. This post-apocalyptic world they live in now is really about the basic fight for survival. Yes, you lose people and you grieve them but as the Grounders say "their fight is over now", those left behind have surviving to get on with.

The writers continue to do great stuff on this show. All the dialogue between Lexa and Clarke, but especially: "The dead are gone, Clarke. The living are hungry." Powerful line. It reminds me of this quote, 'Dying is easy. Its living that's hard.'

I wouldn't actually count Clarke in that. Everyone else killed innocents except for her. The dropship moment was in the middle of a battle so I say it was fair game.

Yea I agree. I thought she was going to go for his carotid like she did with the boy who got caught in the acid fog but instead she went abdomen?

Wow. I didn't think they had it in them to take the show in this direction. Which is why I stopped watching after the Council pardoned Finn after killing 18 people. But I decided to check out this ep to see if anything would change. Still cannot believe Clarke excused him for what he did with the weak platitude that