only child

So you should lower your standards because it's genre fiction? You can write horror and mystery fiction without shoving 200 tropes in every episode. It feels like they tried so hard to subvert the current vampire cliches that they forgot to write everything else. The characters behave exceptionally dumb, their

You can't honestly think this mess is better than The Leftovers. Come on.

I also love the Jonathon Fisk shoutout

They get this actor and still no dong on the show. They even missed the chance of double dong with the replica doll. HBO clearly needs a new CEO.

I was joking. I'm all for more female representatives in Nintendo games. I just found it weird how hugely popular Rosalina is in Japan. You don't want to see what kind of fanart people draw of her. I just get the impression that a lot of people like her in a sexual way (as far as that applies to a Nintendo character)

Yes, That's exactly what I was saying. While we're at it, let's talk about the lack of non-white characters in Mario Kart.

Her 2001:A Space Odyssey-like love affair with the board computer in Paper Mario:The Thousand Year Door was brilliant. It almost played like she was suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.

I really don't get the love for Rosalina. The fact that all the Japanese players with 10.000+ points exclusively use her for online play only makes me more suspicious of her. Are we sure she's a girl? Or could this be some Birdo type situation?

I'm not sure about this show. I got some chuckles out of the first two episodes, but the dialogue and acting just feel too overly written and stilted for my taste. I constantly imagine the writers coming up with the lines in their room while watching the show. The main dude's acting doesn't help. He almost comes

Yes, renowned underwear model Jamie Dornan is Adam - my mouth is so tiny I can barely fit a teaspoon in it - Scott's chubby brother.


Watch Funny Games US. His character is not as crazy as Mason, but quite similar nonetheless.

Hannibal was barely holding it together? This whole thing was orchestrated by Hannibal. He played Margot, Mason and Will like fiddles and Will was the only one who realised it at the end of the episode.

I think it's more problematic that the online media focus on nothing but the rape/no rape debate to generate clicks, when this scene and especially Cersei and Jaime's troubled relationship is much more complex than that. I completely understand, that the discrepancy between Graves' intention behind the scene and how

So now the media make it sound as if director Alex Graves is some kind of rape aficionado. This whole thing is really getting blown out of proportion and it's kind of sickening how quotes are getting twisted to make the people involved seem guilty of some sort of crime against a real human being. Of course the scene

I think Tucker would've made a fine Dolarhyde. It even seems like his character had some similarities to him with the tattoos and the facial scar. They even set up a connection with Freddie Lounds.

So…when does Jonathan Tucker get his own speedo and murder related tv show? I'm thinking something like Baywatch, but instead of saving lifes, he's taking them.