diablo otto

The future

I was wrong but according to google he hated Manilow as a running joke on the show.In my defense I was 9 when that show was on.

Also for me is Night Court . The judge loved him some Manilow.

Pornhubs prank was a pop-up once you click a video it said thank you for sharing this video with all of your social media.

"Black Lightning will similarly be the first network TV series centered on an African-American superhero."

Lol but they don't want people to know they like boobies on guys.

Seriously though he has probably googled Ivanka Trump nudes and states where you can date your daughter.


Well he's male so it wouldn't have been that much worse.

And with that this just turned into a must watch the night of show. Just awesome throughout.

Also tweeted about believing marriage is between a man and woman. So yeah he's a dbag in real life.

Malin Ackerman's Great Ass.
There I fixed it for you.

I recently found out two of my co-workers are contrail believers. Former ones have tried to enlighten me about Obama/fema and 9/11 truths. I seem to work with alot of conspiracy nuts for some reason.

No just one of the guys.

No need to apply guys. Emma Stone already signed to play all the background characters.

So Samuel Jackson gotta eat?

Upside is no more Jared Leto joker . So , yay?

Is that why he is scared of stairs?

I liked 7 days from upn . It's wasn't great or anything but I enjoyed it.

Would nightcrawler bamf inside him?