diablo otto

Oh my fucking god . Such low life scumbags.

Huh so he ended up marrying Mr. Clean?

The director of powder would recast 50 cent role much much younger if there is penis involved.


Seriously what kind of woods is he near that have wolves? Why didn't whatever predator that's out there not come after him? A nice large cheeseburger must smell nice.

That went off the menu as of today. That item actually got me to try outrack again after ten years of avoiding it.


Is this pop culture? Trumps wife's nude model photos are up on NY post website .Soo yeah I saw that this weekend.

One can set off a small nuclear bomb the other could lead to world War 3 soooo

You should unleash the kragle then.

Saw Kamala khan finally get exposed to terrigin mist on the Avengers Disney xd cartoon . The only reason I started watching it again was because of her.

This series is the first that doesn't work for me . I hope we move onto something new next week.

Spoiler alert!

Soo apparently Anna Kendrick wants to play Squirrel Girl in a movie. I would watch it but I don't like the idea of her with Squirrel Girls haircut.

Also keep the twinkies out of gun owners hand.

I came to see if this one was mentioned. Oh well.

Will there be a weiner dog in this? I hope there is so when they start the ad campaign they can plaster pics and video of weiner dogs all over this site.

Thanks for update!

Whatever happened to guy who I thought was called xman? In the nineties I think.

Well if the game company behind No Man's Sky had to pay Sky network to be able use the word sky they might have a case here.