
Haven't seen Get Out (rectify that this weekend), but I agree with GOTG and the WW assessment.

Logan was pretty awesome.

Yeah, I'm sure it's a fine movie, buuuttt….

I've only seen Logan from this list, and yes, it was awesome.
No love though for Guardians Of The Galaxy or Lego Batman? Come on-those were incredibly fun!

Like a stone!

I'll assume I can't watch the video because I live in Canada, and therefore have access to healthcare? Meh-time to drink some bleach and fuck a sock full of broken glass!

Somewhere, in an alternate, parallel universe, Rose Derrland was punctured to death when she was swarmed at a Police concert.

It really was terrific…heartbreaking and really, really tough to watch at times, but an incredibly important documentary.

You say fuck up, I say pyrrhic. Fuck up. Pyrrhic. Let's call the whole shit-show off


By suggesting that all that matters to me is that "she didn't lose", and if thats all the matters that I'll "be disappointed".
It's not that those are "fair" things to point out-they're fact. It's "fair" to point out that-from a Conservative stand point-it's a pyrrhic win.

When you're purporting to presenting facts in article, then yes, it does matter. Try not to assume my political leanings, either, please.

I understand that, but that doesn't change the facts.


She didn't lose, though.

She didn't lose…

I'll assume that this list is restricted to scripted TV, and that's why "The Keepers" isn't on here.

Peg Perego Puegot

Been binge watching Bates Motel. Olivia Cooke is just…wow-I could watch her in just about anything.

In an attempt to attack my backlog before my kids are home for the summer (T minus 5 days), I rediscovered how much I absolutely love Child Of Light; I already finished it on vita, and am currently playing the ps3 version, before eventually finishing the ps4 version..
I will also be finishing 2 tellgame games-Game Of