
This is why I went into music.

Song time!

I fuckin do

As an expert, I can tell you there is no more fascinating thing to witness than a man expelling his last breath…then coughing, sitting up, shitting, and then watching the light leave his eyes as he realizes he just shit his vital organs out…

How are Soirse and Siobhan?

Damn, I'm hungry now…

You know, grammatically speaking, you could argue every trial is "The Trial Of The Century".

Surprised there was no mention of Arbuckle either…

Apparently Joanie Loves Charlie…too soon?
Nah-nailed it.

Prince….what a motherfucker.

A big thank you for this article…why, you may ask?
No, you didn't…..so, that's a story for another time.

Now, the seniors in the back!

Now, Mr. Waters has a bad back and laryngitis, so he won't be saying anything, or doing anything.


Upvoted for cools.

Hey, I don't want him to die…necessarily…just, choke on his bullshit.

Don Cherry. A way-past-his-prime idiot that confuses volume for knowledge. He's a racist, a sexist, and monument to all that is wrong with Canadians. I hope he has a heart attack on-air, so I can witness it…fucking scumbag.


Revisiting Sleeping Dogs, Chrono Trigger and Child Of Light this weekend, as well as riding my Unicorn around in Neverwinter and check on Tamriel.

Rachel Leigh Can't Cook