
All these ps4 games, and I'm closer to Detroit than my home :(

Since we all seem to follow the same calendar, think of it as a chapter, and that this chapter has had a lot of deaths…for me, it's chapter 44, and there has been a surprising and depressing amount of deaths…I think everyone understands that time flows and surges forward, and that there is little-if any significant

Yup. Fuck cancer indeed. I lost my father to cancer-I hope you haven't had to deal with that.

As a Briantologist, I embrace indulgence and excess in almost all its forms! Happy Solhanukwanzmas, Motherfuckerin' trash bags!

Hey, you've got a lot of other people to be trolling…unless you have something personal against me?

Well, at least Clue searches for answers…but, I see your point. Connect 4 is too rooted in "conspiracy theories" for me…

Yeah, me neither. I wanna play Clue

Oh, goodie

I remember-about a month or so ago-posting on here asking the question "does anyone else think there's still a big tragedy left to come in 2016?", or something of the sort, and being taken to task by some asshole….yeah, fuck this news, and fuck this year.

I've enjoyed Neverwinter because I've been able to fight Orcus, Demogorgon, and Tiamat, things I could have (and did) dream about as a spindly little boy in the 80's

Right up until the 23rd, had we not intervened. They are, however, off until the 9th, I believe

Jack Burton

We're surprising the kids tomorrow by pulling them out of school and driving to Great Wolf Lodge, so my Christmas gift (or chanukah or Kwanzaa or Solstice or Festivus, if you will) to you all is my absence for the next few days, at least.
I know, I know…I spoil ya. Whatever you do, I hope you guys enjoy it, it's safe,

Yeah, that's a fair question…I've watched a couple of episodes of "Girls" from the first season, and I thought they were kinda "meh" …other than that, I only really know her from the somewhat hilarious amount of outrage she inspires

That bothered you, then?

But she said she was playing a character, right?


Ok. Isn't Lena Dunham playing a character? She said so, right? Not defending or condemning her, just asking.

That's good!

He certainly does…I don't really know Lena Dunham's shit, beyond the occasional dumb quote