
Someone who struggles with acting more than Will Smith?

If you cut yourself on the forehead, and masturbate and cry at the same time, you'll have discovered my weight loss secret


Or, super poor…that's why a lot of them African and eastern block babies have such weird names…


My autism is a barrier sometimes, yes.

Been dying to use that joke, eh, Iggy?

Nicer than bananas? That's absurd!

And I'LL grant you that main stream media doesn't discuss that topic enough. The idea that you'd pose the question to such a panel is pretty tone-deaf, but hopefully it creates a snowball effect….I'm sure it won't, but….hey?

I met him and his wife-and baby-back in 2000, and they couldn't have been nicer. I'd counter that Harley Quinn isn't nearly as bad as Moxie Crimefighter, Apple, or Zeppelin & Arrow…not defending his movies, but wanting to punch him in the face for that is….eh, you be you, I guess; my apologies

Perhaps the only one in the Hollywood Reporter, but certainly not the only discussion on diversity within animation.
You could call this article many things, but "decisive" is not a correct one.


That makes for shitty headlines.
You're fired

I bet I'd find it enlightening!

They do? Website, I assume?


I'll take "jeopardy legends" for 800, Alex

Perhaps it's time we push for a "forum vs. forum" week? Who has the smarter commenters?

Because shitty lists

I really wish Canadians could enter…can we?