
Wow, people need to calm the fuck down. I bet if you took a blacklight to those "sacred rocks" it'd look like a Jackson Pollock painting

Hmm…that's a good point. Well, I stand somewhat corrected :)

You know, I don't think the majority of people on here should rail against others believing fake news or news that skews to one side-a cursory look at his channel and some basic research shows this was a joke, and more done as a reaffirmation of news outlets reporting distorted "facts". Ive never watched his channel

Wake me when it's an XXX-Wing

Of course it's not real-who ever heard of being happy for a whole hour?


That statement is riddled with lies and peppered with truths, with a soupcon of embellishment

My daughter makes a killer White Russian

Fun Ossimer Fact: I didn't get my drivers license until I was 34.

Unless you tried to fly from the top of a building, you didn't try hard enough, Candyass Bure

My son is 8, and I let him go to the park by himself all the time; my wife used to get very nervous, but one day he just looked at her and said "dad trusts me, why can't you?"
☆bam☆ Take that, mommy!

I laughed like a nut at the introduction of the sloths in Zootopia…hell, it still makes me laugh

Welp, I've got some plans this weekend, it would seem


Why not be a queen?

Yeah, she's awful. My first exposure to her was on AOTS, and I remember thinking just how out of place she was, how obvious it was that she was eye candy and nothing more. Then she came out with that book/pamphlet where she claimed to be a "geek", and all I see know is a shameless, vacuous, marketing tool

Yeah…thank you-I thought I was alone in my dislike for them.
When will I realize that the shortest distance between 2 friends is hatred?

Olivia Munn is a guaranteed pass for me.

The Heath Lesser part made me chuckle..

Yeah, I've been using it for years…for those not in the know, it makes you sound somewhat altruistic :)