
I have to go with Stranger Things, partly because of the story, partly because of nostalgia, and almost entirely because of Demogorgon.

I don't know where their fingers are, but it's certainly not on the pulse of society, I'll tell ya what.

Ummm, that's not what I was referring to…but, I understand what you're saying.

I suppose he's just taunting us with his capture of Hepaturtle

Do Americans realize how embarrassing they look internationally now? I understand that question is more rhetoric than anything else, but….really?

Yeah, my kids have been burning through that shit show as well…fuck

Jack Burton would have made more sense.

It occurred to me that my children are sorely lacking in "In my day…" material if ever they have kids. They may not understand now, but they'll thank me when they need bore their own children/agonize them with their own "hardships" and struggles.

Oh, I love the thing, I've just been busy with my ps4 and my vita….and my PS3 and my 3ds…and my 360…and kids, too…

Just started playing Pokemon go with my kids, and really enjoying it. We only use wifi, which adds an extra element of difficulty and…well, what I tell my kids is "realism" to the game.
They're not buying it, and thinks their dad is a cheap fucker and delights in their misery…which is a half-truth, with a degree of

Aptly named studio, I'd say

As sad as it may seem, the only things I've touched in the last 3 weeks are "Cunning Stunts" and "NeverWinter", and I don't see that changing for the foreseeable future…until Last Guardian, that is.

We got a wii u a couple of months ago, and have very few titles for it. I'm gonna pick up The Wind Waker, because I loved that game on the GC, and I need to introduce my kids to Zelda at some point. Splatoon and Twilight Princess are also on my list :)

You respect Hilary Clinton more than Bruce Campbell?

She's 20, I believe.

Just a question:
How do you know they aren't even moderately informed on politics? Beyond a differing view (I'm guessing), what evidence do you have? I have no real stake one way or the other, im just honestly curious.

So, just watch porn then? Got it.

Cocci for the straight guy. Me? I rock a lazy eye.

You ever get the feeling the "Bern or Bust" people are just Republicans causing shit?
