
Oh my fucking God, I completely forgot about the SotU address. It'll be a 5 minute diatribe about how the the nation's "the most successful it's ever been," and then just 40 minutes of stream-of-consciousness bs that repeats the same points over and over again.


I loved the details on Orcs especially. Running into a generic band of brawlers called orcs had little flavor, but getting attacked by band with plague orcs at the front, or by a night raid with orc rogues on giant bats sounds fun.

I always had a soft spot for Dean since that one disastrous dinner with Rory's family. Richard humiliates him by telling him that he's not good enough for Rory and that he'll hold her back.

This season inspired me to rewatch the series. Retcon from episode 3, Richard's mother is referred to as deceased, though they changed their mind later. But anyways, very charming show, after all these years, I much more appreciate the life that Lorelai's been able to build for herself at by 32. She's got the top job

Kenku seemed very fun. The one thing I did not like was the lack of creativity part. It feels like it would inhibit any plan-making in the campaign. As you can only follow orders that you can't properly improvise.

I wish during the Brigade montage, that it would be shot from an outsiders perspectives, or at least switch between views, as long as they showed them becoming drunker and more obnoxious. I wanted to see the romance of it break.

Also I was so sure that Bernard wasn't a robot because of one scene; when he was talking to his exwife on the monitors. Unless that was set in the past and Berdard was Arnonld, tt seemed strangely complicated for there to be a fake wife program for him to call. Though I guess it's a lot more simpler to program an AI

I hope the dual timelines theory isn't correct, I could see it going this way, but I think there's more evidence against it. Dolores virus infecting Maeve, which leads Maeve to seeing Theresa and the current "Clementine gets lobotomized" storyline.

Yeah the title was really misleading on this one…

I think that when I first saw the game, I had assumed it would be more in the style of the creed games

I might be misremembering from when Dishonored came out, but I remember not liking that it felt a lot more linear of a game than I felt it would be from the trailers. I didn't get any of the expansions, but how does dishonored rank in the scale of linear adventure game to sandbox?

Of course it's your right to vote however you want. But choosing not to do the only useful thing in stopping a U.S existential crisis is still on you and others like you who made the same choice.

Personally I imagine Trump's presidency going terribly from a trade war with China after he tries his strongman bs.

I live in the deep midwest, and I cast my ballot knowing it was a hell of a longshot if impossible. What hurts is losing more young people my age every year that chase after the new hip places to live in the US, which of course includes the already blue West and New York.

I'm honestly at a loss when people mention the term "fiscal conservative" because I just completely associate republican brand with insanely bloated military spending that made this country go from a surplus to trillions in debt.

I'm honestly at a loss when people mention the term "fiscal conservative" because I just completely associate republican brand with insanely bloated military spending that made this country go from a surplus to trillions in debt.

IIRC, job reports have shown steady growth and wage increases in the last few years while Obama has been president.

Ugh, this fucking country. I'm not surprised. I know I wouldn't have the courage to go through with it, especially now.

Warren 2020