Mark Drury

Dont fall for that crap you champion fair mindedness tolerance and a decent lifestyle. They're the ones who voted for Intolerance greed and screw you guys were ok.
If promoting good values upsets bigots and mysoginist alike bloody good thing.
I am intolerant myself of intolerance , funny yes but true .
Dont apologise

Two main opposition policies.
Greed v Fairness

Apathy birthday too you.

For the worst.
Thats like saying cutting off a leg will cut down on shoe leather wear.

Still is.

All out civil war worked last time.

Clinton penetrated lots of things.

Racism & bigoted statements everytime.

Most are though

His casino lost money!.
A casino lost money !
Tremble all you folk

Well he is !
He's a normal sociopath.

You get a like for that.

Well your just a stupid woman and probably an immigrint is what it sounds like he's saying he's far superior in intellect to you so just get on with the housework and leave the political stuff to the men honey .
You get i am not serious right ( i put this bit in for just saying as he wouldn't like me not condescending

You are so wrong it was the bigot vote that got him in.
Dont be a denier.

When my country voted to leave the EU racists took at as a sign they could openly abuse foreign looking people in the street for a short spell abuse reached a scale not seen since the sixties

Aye monkey see monkey do.

They're obviously too stupid too be frightened. Ignorance is bliss.
I'm embarrassed for America the voters for trump and the reflected stupidity on the good guys who didn't.
What a prescence on the world stage he's going to present.

They knew they were voting for a racist mysoginist but could find other reasons to vote for him..
Yeah right.
You have too be fkn joking.

I would find some more intelligent friends if i were you..
I get the feeling your side of the discussion was the only informed one.

Yeah you do.