Mark Drury

If you dont like it just dont watch it ,your protest might make a difference as your bound to be missed in the audience figures ,,wont you ,,

Sez you

You mean theres porn on the internet ? Damn all that money i wasted on Nudist Monthly !

Where are the Amish ,the Apocalypse would be an ideal time for them ,they would thrive with hardly any change to their lifestyles and they could have some sinfull pride going around saying "we told you so ! now whos tools and lifestyle looks out of place " two whacks with sinning stick ah worth it.


Shhhh! Your not supposed to talk about Zombie fight club.

I have a thing against coathangers they are often not wide enuff.Shoulder sag anybody ?

Mrs Rittenhouse will you marry me ? Are you rich ? Answer the second question first .!

Bum sounds much better than bottom ,er let me rephrase that ,,

Look i er did not want to have to spoil the show for you ,but it is actually script writers who make up the half assed plans, oh and theres no santa ,only kidding of course theres a santa ,its your dad.

Z Nation George RR Martin wins that and he still had not finished the frikkin book.

They could not really justify feeding ten mens portions to a pet when i think food and clean water would be pretty hard to come by ,which also begs the question how come there are still chubby people so long after regular meals vanished and walking for miles would deplete fat stores Abraham was a big well padded guy

Rick had a sense of humour ?

Ours is called Smiths.

You need a Smellyvision set.👃
If you nose what i mean.

See Deluxe Supremes comment a few above.

I got a sense of that too ,very perceptive.

Ben & Jerry ? I hope they dont get creamed !

Your right it would be finite ,i would give it 15 years.

I like Rat or two ee.