Heidi's character didn't change. She was fake-nice and opportunistic from Day 1.
Heidi's character didn't change. She was fake-nice and opportunistic from Day 1.
Mad Men.
I'm trying to think of a way to explain cultural appropriation. I think it's hard for white people to understand, especially if they don't have a strong counter-culture of their own.
There's no such thing as culture?
The takeaway is, don't put your penis on people, even if it leads to "a big chunk of human achievement."
We don't know what happened with Denise and the author. The whole point of him being sleazy with Hannah was to throw his account of what happened with Denise into question. He may have forced all the other girls who reported him on Tumblr. We don't know.
She didn't put the rocks in. Also, in the chapter about her sister, she was being sarcastic about "grooming" her.
Why does it bother you that people don't want their culture appropriated?
I just find it suspicious that an actual woman would go out of her way to post dozens of comments about how date rape isn't real on a Girls review. Also her name is suspiciously gendered—most AV Club commenters avoid that. If I were an MRA trying to advance my agenda under a woman's guise, I'd pick an obviously female…
She didn't molest her sister. When she was a young child, she looked at her baby sister's vagina in curiosity. It was a good thing she did because the baby was stuffing pebbles in there, which she told her mom. If that's the definition of child molestation then any two toddlers who have ever bathed together "molested"…
Cindy . . . having the feeling you are neither named Cindy nor from Texas.
Clearly we're meant to believe that the author's story of how the blowjob encounter went was unreliable, so your outrage doesn't apply. She didn't just give him a blowjob and get mad because he didn't call.
Maybe you're not the target audience, dude. Just like I am not the target audience for 95% of movies. Hard, isn't it?
"Hands down" means "weaker than Shirley," right?
The show was co-created by Rust's wife.
The show was co-created and written by Paul Rust's hot wife Leslie Arfin.
Look at the credits.
That's not what a "bottle episode" is.