
No, I missed the clear as day yellow police tape. This is one reason I don't do tv reviews for a living. :)

Now that you said that, I can consider her line "look what I found" in a different light. At first I thought it was just a humorous, cheeky thing to say. But after reading your commentary, and considering that that scene was played again in the "previously on" it does seem that "look what I found" can be taken in a

Will she and Nicole Kidman be in the same category for Emmy or is there a separate category for miniseries? Nicole Kidman absolutely killed her role in Big Little Lies.

It's not a show where everything is wrapped up with a neat little bow. These people are imperfect and there may not be a happy ending. And the protagonist is bat shit crazy.

I think this episode showed a turning point for her and that her profound grief has hardened her and she's turned into an asshole. I really felt bad for Kevin when he poured his heart out and told her he wanted to have a baby with her and she cracked up hysterically. And then Brett Butler was right, she was a

I took it a different way-that Nora was a total dick to him for something that wasn't his fault and he refused to roll over and take it.

I thought the same, like within the limits of Jardin he cannot die. Unless he was just lying to Nora, of course, and he's repeatedly resurrecting.


It's unlike anything else I've seen.

Good catch. My goodness season 1 seems a long time ago, I wish I'd done a rewatch now.

I noticed. I actually had to rewind because it took me by surprise and I didn't get a chance to actually read the credit.

Me neither! It has been a while, though.

I can't believe there's no mention of Nora walking in on Kevin doing his suffocation routine, telling him it's ok, and then laughing hysterically (and it looked like Kevin was humiliated and hurt) when he said he wanted to have a baby with Nora.
And the scene with Tommy and Nora was phenomenal. She was hurting and

They could've at least looked under the log. I expected that they would have to go down the beach, though, and not so close they could probably smell the food. That whole thing was weird.

Cersei looks like Simple Jack.

Me, too. I thought surely there would be some kind of reward there. What's funny is that Culpepper and Tai didn't even look around to see.

When she was dancing at the merge meal, I half expected her to talk about how she toured with Beyonce to choreograph her dances.

What was worse than that, was that she didn't volunteer to forego the merge meal, even though she'd eaten well at exile and the others hadn't. If she ever slips up or it ever comes out that she got to eat when she was on exile, that'd be as bad as whats his face last year hiding food from the other tribe members.

Yeah, and what's annoying about that is that she thinks she's sooooooo damn smart and strategic. I swear, if she farts around and wins this season I'll never watch again. :)

I considered that he may have been bagging the challenges so people wouldn't automatically think he was the biggest immunity challenge threat.