
I don't think they've seen actual viewer comments. I think they only listen to the fanboys and girls who show up to Comic Con in TWD cosplay and chalk up ratings drops to normal tv cycles. I don't think they have any idea how poorly this show is received by regular tv watchers.

Michonne can't shoot for shit. Why they had her in the tree with the rifle is beyond me. It was hilarious when she saw Tara thru the scope and Tara screamed at her "don't shoot, Michonne." Like, yeah, don't shoot, Dreadlock Magoo.

Ironically, the episodes this season with the crappy CGI (the trash heap and the deer) were directed by Nicotero, who's been a well-respected SFX guy for a while. I don't know how those CGI scenes even made the cut when a SFX guy directs the episode. He should be embarrassed in my opinion.

I hope that during the war Tara doesn't have any ammo in her gun. Maybe when she pulls the trigger a little flag will come out.

It's like they yada yada over important stuff so there's sufficient room to show inconsequential bullshit.

It's been reported that Andy Lincoln gets about $90K per episode. I think that he sticks around for the fans but I don't see how it lasts much longer, especially if there's a fear of him getting typecast as Rick Grimes.

And if you're Norman Reedus all you've had to do is cry and grunt.

I don't know why she didn't shank him with that knife he left for her, instead of just leaving it in Dave's forehead.

I don't even know why I'm watching now. And, without knowing contract statuses, I wonder how many of these actors, who had significant careers prior to TWD, will stick around much longer.
I think we're watching the beginning of the end of this show. It's just too stupid and no legitimate actor will want their career

This comment section is superior to the show itself these days.

I'd be able to keep up better if I paid more attention, honestly.

Pretty typical season 7 episode. Sasha has a big ass knife in her hand then later begs Eugene to bring her anything at all she can use to commit suicide. Tara in Oceanside brought back bad memories of her episode from 7A. God how I hate Tara.
I enjoyed Negan this episode. He had his typical snarky comments (Rapey

Probst is the Joe Buck of reality shows. He offers nothing except stating the obvious.

Did he? Did someone tell him they had an idol? I may have missed that in all the going-ons at TC.

How did JT win? Was he this big of a moron in his season? The last time we saw him he gave his idol to Rusell, then tonight he betrayed his tribe openly at tribal council and just kinda figured Culpepper would get the tribe to vote Sandra, which leaves me baffled as to why JT even bothered to write down Sierra's

Why the hell not, works for me.

Yep, we all know longer run time = same amount of episode + additional commercials.

Gives tween girls something to gush about on the internet.

Part of my disappointment in this season is that I thought, expected even, they would recognize their errors and turn it around after the backlash they got from the cliffhanger. I thought Rick and the gang were going to take a backseat and it'd be the Negan show-and he'd be awesome. But nope, they double downed on the

I believe I read that she was a Ford model. Before this season did she have significant screentime that required acting skill? I really can't remember.