
I think he bounced and went to Hilltop.

I disagree. There are not enough deaths. Sure, people like Olivia bite it but the mains all have impenetrable plot armor and we all know they're safe. It makes for cheap fakeouts like Glenn under the dumpster, Rick in the box, etc. We all know that a main's death is going to be an event. The show has gotten too

I keep thinking that talented actors like these are not going to allow their careers to go down with this ship and they're going to bail in the near future.

And he killed Richard bare handed because of a kid he's known for a couple of weeks. I don't buy the way that these characters are so invested in people they've known for, literally, a few days.

It's odd that Rick and Co are just assuming these weirdos they never knew existed are just going to fight for them, rather than kill all of them and take over Alexandria. It makes zero sense that Mr. I Don't Take Chances Anymore is arming total strangers to the teeth.

No. I think she's mad at the world but she's disregarding the progress Rick made in securing guns and it's illogical for her to go off half cocked when she knows they're almost ready to go to war, assuming the Trash Heapsters are truly Team Rick.
I suspect she's going to be the catalyst for Sasha's death and maybe

Carol is an interesting character, it's too bad for Lizzie that she decided to live alone as a hermit after she'd killed Lizzie for being too dangerous to live among people.

Hell, you still got landscaped yards in the subdivisions these people scavenge in.
I don't know about gasoline or fuel injection or anything but I do know my husband had to take the lawn mower in to be worked on and the guy told him to not ever let it sit over winter with fuel in the tank because the octane (or

At least she has stopped doing that stupid fist bump. When we first met Negan I actually hoped that she tried to fist bump him and he chopped her hand off for it. She's one of my least liked characters.

Yes! And these characters always had guns out the wazoo but now that they need them they can't seem to find any.

Tara worked thru a pregnancy as did Sasha. I do remember reading comments from people that at times the actress's baby bump was evident, though.

You mean the Great Value brand Milla Jovovich? Yeah.

I know it's not the popular opinion, but I've never been on board with Richonne. I much preferred her and him as equals without the romance. It's cliche that every woman either has to be softie about kids and babies or have a man. Check and check for Michonne.

I don't understand why they gave the hoarders the guns, instead of hiding the guns in the woods somewhere. They sure are trusting of some weirdos they just met, who also tried to kill Rick.

I 2nd the not the worst episode ever. This was much better than the Tara episode. THAT was the worst episode ever.

That deer scene was a mess. The most skittish animal alive is going to be grazing next to some serious carnage. Ok. Sure. I never saw, either, how it all happened. I knew when I saw the bloody walkers that they'd gotten the deer but it was a mess to show how it was all done. I guess Rick did shoot the deer? I don't

I thought for a second that Rick was going to jump in that car and start it right up.

I think that Michonne finding Oceanside would've worked had she been forced to make a decision to stay there with the strong ladies or go back to downtrodden Rick. And she decided to stay at Oceanside, away from everything going on (much like Carol). Then Rick could've happened to have come across Michonne and she's

I remembered her talking to him about something before she went off and tried to shoot Negan but that's been how many episodes ago? I couldn't tell you what it was they talked about and honestly, most of what Fr. Gabriel has to say is just 💤.

And that makes it his fault that things turned out the way they did? I can't figure out Rosita and I can't figure out why The Gang just lets her get away with her shit. At least Tara stood up to her this time.