
Booooo. Lol

Why have him imprisoned if he's just going to be sprung in about a week? Why have Negan go on and on and on about how Daryl's going to be a good soldier for him and then bust him out a couple days later? It's irrelevant that Daryl ever was held captive. And when he knelt last week so easily, that made his hard-headed

Yeah, Rick and the gang have arrived. It's only a matter of time until the place blows up and burns to the ground.

I thought it was weird that Aaron bothered to put the picture back where he found it. Maybe he thought it was funny and was just bringing it back to show his boyfriend. Otherwise I think he'd just toss it or something.

The thing about that is, Eugene spelled it out for her. When she was insisting that he make the magic bullet he told her, point blank, that it wouldn't be her that paid the consequence but it would be someone else. And she saw Daryl clock Negan in the jaw and it got Glenn killed.

"Uh, yeah, I know you just got here about a week ago, and btw, for someone who just got shot in the last few days, you really look like you've mended remarkably well. Anyway, like I was saying, you've been here about a week and we don't know you from Adam, and one of you won't even live in town with us, but hey,

She missed at point blank range, just like no one can hit the broad side of a barn when they're shooting at people but can nail a walker right between the eyes, while running, and without ever missing.
At least Rosita pulled the trigger (looking at you, Quorhl).

OK, I can see that, but then later on Enid ( I think) gushes about how Maggie should run for president of Hilltop. So there are two scenes there basically showing the same thing. Either way, I think there's room to cut out unnecessary, unimportant, or redundant plot points in order to make room for important points

Her character suspension makes me question what kind of contract these actors have. She's basically been on a shelf for how long now? I would think, maybe I'm wrong, that an actress as talented as Melissa McBride would get offers and she's been just showing up sporadically now and it seems like the writers know

And what they choose to include in lieu of important stuff is a headscratcher. Like that scene between Sasha and Enid, Rick and Aaron's adventures could've been shortened, Negan's shaving lesson to Quorl, the opening with Greg eating the apple and Maggie's interactions……
There's a ton of places where unnecessary crap

I think they're trying too hard to create nostalgia or something maybe. In the premier we got Rick imagining Thanksgiving dinner with all the gang and then the 1/2 season is bookended by the montage.

This finale made that Daryl episode completely unnecessary and irrelevant, which I think we may have figured it was anyway. We watched an entire episode of Daryl being tortured because he wouldn't kneel, then last week he knelled on cue, just like everyone else, then this week he's rescued and is at the Hilltop.

Ya know, I've been saying Zombie Mountain needs his own show, or at the very least an awesome murder with his bare hands every week.

That was so out of place. A montage like that would be seen on a 60s sitcom or a Lifetime movie or something. Just really weird.

It was like a damn after school special or an episode of Wishbone. I laughed at that more than I laughed at Spencer carrying his guts around. That was cheesy af.

I thought Tobin died and that dude was an unnamed construction worker looking guy that Carol was hooking up with?
On second thought, I don't care.

If she were running wouldn't it make more sense for her just to tell Michonne that she's not taking her to the saviors because she's trying to leave town because they're terrible? Michonne may have shot her but wouldn't that be the better than the alternative?

Negan's a problem for me because I like him. He's supposed to be this horribly scary bad guy but I don't find him scary, at all, and while he does get a bit tedious I really actually like his sarcasm and his smartass remarks.
And I agree with you, Negan is a lot of bluster, it seems. Everyone important gets the "next

Yeah, I hope it isn't some dream or something symbolic that's never explained.

It seems like, at the least, some crafty blacksmith or carpenter would've come up with a mobility idea, maybe like a primitive wheelchair.