Michael Martinez

Also susbisdiaries of 21st century fox, so the money all ends up in the same till.

DVR might be able to be tracked slightly more accurately, but LIVE ratings are still entirely nielsen (I'd also avoid watching online too if you want to avoid economically supporting them)

The real question is, how long will the Universal title now be held/defended by a part timer? I'm guessing we're talking about until Summerslam at the earliest.

"With the women’s championship, Bayley and Charlotte put on their usual fine Bayley-Charlotte clinic"… not sure if we were watching the same match, but that was an absolute slog where Charlotte and Bayley looked like they had absolutely no chemistry.

Argus, that giant clusterfuck, is now in charge of keeping Grodd? Smart call Allen.

What about the matches they put on Raw is supposed to get me excited to watch 205 Live? Either let it exist as something on its own (like NXT) and give that time to promos/matches for other wrestlers or fully integrate into the story. How is it Raw is 3 goddamn hours and the wrestling part of it week to week hovers in

"The pace of cruiserweight action sure feels like it’s picking up!" Well, when you get 3 minutes to work a match, not a lot of time for chinlocks.

That's a bit of a false equivalency. The next day he was announced for his speech at CPAC, then members of the mainstream conservative elite got pissed off and went about looking into him enough to find the pedophilia stuff.

More than likely he is their "sudden but inevitable betrayal" and one of the Wellses dies, since they're a renewable resource.

The more they try and tie in "If we can change x event we can save Iris" into these plot points, the stupider they come off, because they inevitably end up being the engines of their own demise.

The finish to the women's title match was robbed of some of its luster by the 3-4 spots they blew in a row leading to the decision. That match got ugly at the end.

There's really only one "good" outcome for Owens/Goldberg. Goldberg dominates Owens for 5ish minutes, Lesnar comes out, obliterates him, Owens keeps the title. I don't think Lesnar's connected on a bunch on Goldberg in the last four months, why should Goldberg care about beatig him at Mania unless Lesnar costs him

Poor Styles, it looks like he's going to be left out in the cold in some schmozzy multi man match after a legit GOAT first year.

All having Goldberg beat Lesnar in a blink in an eye does is delegitimize every dude who got destroyed by Lesnar in the last 4.5 years. All of those guys < a 50 year old dude who was more myth than monster throughout his career.

I love this show severely, but the characterization of Lindsay is really problematic. As we've gotten deeper into the series, we have clear understandings of the pathologies that lead Jimmy and Gretchen to act like they do, so even though they might be shitty to Edgar or Killian or Lindsay or each other, we have a

At this point, yes, but one has to assume she's been lying to him constantly since the beginning of their relationship about being the support unit for her ex-fiancee's superheroing. So, more than likely she'll continue the charade until she's either called to the carpet or it blows up in her face.

So how many episodes until somebody calls Felicity on the hypocrisy of keeping someone else's secrets from their significant other?

My first thought on the awkward Randy/Miz match was Randy legit hurt his shoulder again (they had to dump his cursing multiple times after he hit the barricade). They had to go x many minutes, Orton wasn't looking to get hurt any more, so RKO/stall/RKO gets us to commercial break.

The Big Bang theory, mining the autism spectrum for laughs since '07

She might have been more clued in, but I never saw her as a player in the "game of thrones", especially as all her suggestions to Tommen would have made him a better ruler.