John Wallace

Tim Heidecker is a drugged-out has-been who is grasping at straws and piggybacking off of Gregg's success, when he's not destroying Gregg's dreams and burning down the formerly-great Victorville Film Archive.


I only like it when it speeds up every time someone says the word "Bee".

I, for one, welcome our new Bizzaro-World overlords.


People did. It didn't seem to matter.

The first and second seasons (and moments of the third) of Res and Stimpy are fantastic, subversive, disgusting, hilarious television. After the third season, you can remove "subversive" and "hilarious" and add in "inane" and "pointless" to my description of the first two seasons.

You obviously didn't read the comics. Negan is also a Sith Lord. He used the Force.

As soon as Negan got done shaving I could no longer take him seriously at all, because now all
I can see is Robert from Everybody Loves Raymond. I kept expecting Doris Roberts to sashay in with some lasagna.

Currently just finished Episode 3 - very loose writing. "I want to make love to you with my mouth" is one of the worst lines I've ever heard spoken in a TV series. The first episode especially was just sort of all over the place, I kept watching solely because I like Hugh Laurie.

That's bad.

As a kid, that was my favorite part of that segment, seeing all the cool shit I'd never get lucky enough to jump in a tank of rancid baked beans to earn.


I am NOT basic!

Don't worry, Mark can step up again. He's a dead ringer for John Decker.

"Let's ask this 'scientician'"

Quake II was my first real FPS and remains my favorite. Not sure why, maybe it was just because it was my first, but I really enjoyed it and pick it up a few times a year.

I love the extended closeup of Nicholson after he sends Billy in with the prostitute. Especially on repeat viewings, it's crushing watching his face expertly cycle through emotions and settle on contentment and then later seeing his emotionless lobotomized state. This is one of my favorite sleeper movies.

The point of question 1 was not how well he fought but was only referring to them being able to turn the saber on in the first place.

No, but he'll tell you that in an hour, BACK!??!?!