
Check out Black Jaguar White Tiger Foundation to see a different way of interacting with big cats.

I have to somewhat agree. I didn't like this storyline that much, but I guess it had its purpose - showing that hacking people has its consequences.

Possible. Edit: Yep.

Sounds like Swedish, but don't take my word for it. It's either Swedish or Norwegian.

You're a lot 'in your head' when you're a depressed, socially anxious introvert, much more than an average person, so as you said, it fits the character.

Call me juvenile, but I got hooked on Mr Robot and True Detective because of the "philosophy".

I just hope the "guessing" won't go beyond the first season.

I hope it's not Fight Clubesque, I hope it's not schizophrenia. Is it an unreliable narrator? Yes, but the unreliability doesn't have to be the extreme psychosis, i.e. seeing people that are not there. It might just stem from the fact that Elliot has social anxiety (one disorder of Elliot's confirmed by the show's

No reviews for episode two and further?

It's a tie between the Witcher 3 and Bloodborne.

Maybe it's stupid - but I would like the sensate thing expand to more people like to say that each of us has the ability to connect not just the few. If that makes any sense.

So true.

I liked the gecko though.

I'm not a big fan of the adverts either. Maybe there are different people behind the promotion and the script/show, dunno.
I'm skeptical too, although I love the pilot.

During a Q&A the show runner mentioned, let's say, the "hypocrisy", it being on this kind of network (but which network could it be on to not call it hypocritical?). I'm still not sure if Esmail/the show is sincere or not. And I'm pretty much all in behind the message, if somewhat heavy handed (but why is it bad?),

Wait, so people with Asperger's can't be depressed? And ye, it's just assumed by the reviewer that he's on the autistic spectrum.

We only know for now that he's got social anxiety (and socially anxious often have depression). And believe me, people with social anxiety self-medicate, a lot I would say.

Would you recommend reading the book after watching the series or is it so close to the book I'd not get much more from the written word?

I don't get the American infatuation with politicians/presidents. They seem like rock stars there. Obama is still just a bit better than Bush, just a bit. I don't think of politicians/parties as something more than lesser evil. It's at least true for my country and the US.

When the "secret occult history of the United States transportation system" was not a thing anymore, I was worried it'll be another standard cop show. We'll see.