Souse Chef

Naw. The president has demanded that all the steaks are well done. So burnt. And you're having the meatloaf. You're lucky because any meatloaf is better than burnt steak. Even with ketchup.

Even Foxconn has better quality control than that.

Soylent Green is Sheeple!

I call shenanigans!

The Great Pumpkin doesn't like you.

They have more dignity than Sean Spicer?

Easy greasy.

…and they didn't end until they ran out of Hormel Black Label Bacon!

Cool. I don't always agree with you but I'm with you on that one. I just always worry when I put words in people's mouths. I didn't quote you or anything.

Maybe. I pretty much said that Clinton made nice with the right black leaders but never got past the "super predator" comment. That's your argument, not mine. But it was very definitely missing and since we were talking about "identity politics" which just pisses me off by being a thing in the first place and I really

Oh goddamit how did I forget that you used a z in Eazy? I referenced you in a discussion with @Mythagoras and hoped you would show up. I hope I didn't misrepresent you. I brought you up because you tell me about my blind spots and I was pointing out the same with Myth ("identity politics").


So you love Ukraine so much that Crimea should be Russia?

Be careful or a holographic doctor might sing about your pon farr in front of the entire ship. He knows that you're sensitive about it but he doesn't care. He's a hologram who likes the sound of his own voice.

Men are from Vulcan and women are from Risa. Or the cold part of Vulcan.

It was a Trump handful.

Yes, But I can never figure out which is my good side.

I've got a monorail I could sell you.

Is your company taking applications?