Souse Chef

But who doesn't want to see Leonardo Da Vinci in hot pants?

My partner wears glasses and he never adjusts. It's just painful front to back. He's astigmatic so maybe there's just no way around it. I don't need glasses at all and it's all headache all the time. Since I've started boycotting anything in 3D (too dark + headaches) I've started a new heart medication that makes me

You'll get better at it. Think of it as Carnegie Hall.

Trump has AIDS. Someone told me on the internet.

Oh I called @SpiroAgnewLives:disqus a "nattering nabob of negativism" the other day and I'm still here. I think we're being targeted. Do comments have geography? Is there a southern strategy at work?

Is Pickle ready to resign already?

That's maybe about fifteen minutes worth of firewood so not much.

Only Mr. Greene gets this? We need a Primer or at least a Gateway to Geekery on Marcel Duchamp. His "Fountain" is the foundation of Reddit and could Pitchfork exist without "The Bride Stripped Bare (By Her Bachelors Even)"?

Who couldn't control what he got…

Breitbart is thataway.

I don't know how old you are but I've been around and I've lived through bad times in bum fuck nowhere too. It got better. Trump and company are a special kind of evil but we can make it better again. We just have to remember that we are the ones who have to make it better. What was the old phrase? Something like "Be

Historically that's been a survival skill. Lately we can be as dumb as everyone else and still survive.

Keep calling. You might not get through but they know people are upset. That counts too.

To be fair he was only eight the last time we had a real president and he was busy being an eight year old. It's a traumatic year. Third grade is when it gets tough.

Hillary kills cats and eats Pickles! Why won't Sessions investigate?

We've got LGBT idiots too. We're whatever percent of everybody.

The world is truly flat. This is Discworld and Terry Pratchett was a historian and not a novelist.

Most of them are wackos like Milo Yamalamadingdong or privileged idiots like that silicon valley billionaire. The rest of us either hated him from the beginning or knew we couldn't trust him once he named Pence for VP.

There will always be outliers but would you rather hear Joni or Prince sing one of her songs? For me it's Joni and no contest. And I'm a Prince fan.