
I do understand that but I have heard of them being used in illegal operations. Most drug dealers don't, and can't use bank accounts. Bank accounts can be tracked and the government usually wants to know where all that money came from and where their piece is. I have never lived in that world so I don't know exactly

They have made big anoucments in the previews about how you "Can't See These Episodes Online!" They might as well have the announcer guy say "well actually you can see some of them but they are bad quality Spanish dubs, so please don't look for them and we are going to pretend they aren't the reason we are rushing all

I also like that it is implied that too much freedom can be as bad as to much restriction. That is the struggle of most parents how much to shelter your children or how much freedom is to much? Children like boundaries just not to much of they can suffocate. Toph rebelled against her strict, sheltered up bringing but

I don't think many people have to same thoughts and motivations in their 70's as they did when they where 11. I am sure even Iroh wasn't sitting around thinking about philosophy and drinking tea when he was a kid, there where probably a lot of jokes and pranks though.

I am looking forward to finding out Lori's back story and why she took Carter. Not that it will excuse anything I am just very curious, I also would like to place odds that she can't have kids. I do find myself in a interesting position that I am now actually closer in age to Elizabeth then Carter, so I find me

That is the first thing I thought, when I saw a trailer for it I thought it was a going to be based of that book. The only real difference is there where no real "bad" guys in the book. The people who raised her had no idea she was kidnapped and the women who did the kidnapping has mental illness problems.

A book of stamps costs $9.80 cents and Vee was charging 1 book for 1 cigarette. Now a pack of cigarettes cost on average $5 depending on brand and where you live. There are usually 20 in each pack so each one is $0.25, just to give you a idea of real world cost.
Now I don't know how much the prisoners have to pay for

I am so team Castleroy! I just see Leith and Greer crashing and burning for some reason. It is one thing to steal kisses in the kitchen and another to suddenly be raised to noblehood. I think Greer will marry Castleroy then we will have to sit through her making doe eyes at Leith until Castleroy snaps and does