
Someone's pulling you alright.

Also keep in mind, the drinks probably already kicked in.

Um. there will be no season 2. This is it. It's a mini-series.

Sweet comment, sweet response.

But I guess watching it all unfold was still satisfying nonetheless, right?

All the drama aside, I thought it was a cute moment between Jane and the guy in the cafe, Tom?
She deserves a nice guy like that who is also not shy to protect when necessary ^^

wait, what happened exactly last week?

I gotta say, this season feels very disjointed but the characters are intruiging none the less.
That said, is anybody else eagerly awaiting the third season of Leftovers in two weeks.
Cant wait!

But then we know how sh#te the Emmys are…. except for Breaking Bad. They got that spot on.

She never spoke about it directly. There was only one scene that alluded to it when Ed visits her at her yoga class and she says that everyone has baggage. The show didn't really make sth about it like it was in the book.

" I was in an abusive relationship myself many years ago, and eventually became a board member for the Chicago Metropolitan Battered Women’s Network. It is possible to get out and get away, even as impossible as it may seem at the time. If Big Little Lies inspires even one woman to do that, it will already be more

Darren Aronofsky scored some high calibre women so far. Rachel Weisz, Jennifer Lawrence.
Dude's got some kind of game.

Give a person a lot of money and they suddenly think they are above it all.
Happens all the time with horny old white men.

Watc his doc. You'll see another side to him.

Too bad your mummy wasn't available.