Snake doctor

Absolutely tremendous news, there is nothing like it on TV and the 3rd season has been virtuoso stuff.

I'm pretty glad about this, for the fans of the show. However, I have to say that I think this is the most overrated show on the AV Club, bar none.

"You can threaten my children, but I have to tell the truth!"

Francis first visit after he's been legally emancipated; they spend the whole episode building to an emotional reunion between Lois and Francis, just to have them screaming at each other, as the rest of the family walk into the house with quiet resignation.

I don't think I've ever heard The Shield described as a "soapy cop drama".

For those of you interested in following her career and supporting her work, Karla Souza is in this month's GQ Mexico magazine.

It seems, to me, that we're itching past the "Is this the best comedy in the world?" stage and moving to "Is this one of the greatest comedies off all time?" Stage.

I thought it was fantastic, too, but I also thought it was a bit short on minute-to-minute laughs. The big shots all landed, though, and the concept was up to the his high standard.

Call me skeptical, but I find it very hard to believe that The A.V club would like a sketch show with Bob Odenkirk and David Cross.

The line, last week, "Am I the only one clear on the concept of Law Enforecement?" Was straight out of the Justified textbook.

I'm always a bit surprised that the show has such a humourless reputation. There is a lot of dark comedy and it's meant to be bleakly funny. I laughed out loud 4 or 5 times in this episode, alone; Matt stopping to help somebody and get fucked over, yet again, was vintage Charlie Brown.

I think The Americans and Rectify are both better, but it definitely belongs in the conversation.

Agreed. Relationship angst is not what I signed up for. Tight clothing and daft twists are the order of the day.

When the authorities come to investigate a man being gut-shot, they'll tie it to the earlier shooting. When that man refuses to give any information, they'll go trawling for witnesses and witnesses will say that a blonde woman saved him and drove away.

I admire his how goal-oriented he was. He could have fled the state, or the country, but having accomplished what he set out to do, he was content to return to prison.

I like that the characters are openly remarking that this is all utterly ridiculous. It's always good to have characters who have some awareness and aren't just marching from disaster to disaster; it's also a solid way to undercut that particular criticism.

Expect Mellie to perjure herself and say that Fitz told her he saw the tape. And, I bet that North will back this up.

I laughed hard and I laughed loudly. This episode was another glorious chapter in the already glorious Nathan for You tradition.

He should have answered question 7 by pointing at his crotchal region.

The title has put me off watching this. Sorry, but I despise tautology.