Snake doctor

Credit to FX. This is going to be the best thing on TV for the next two years.

"Let me tell you a story, Tommy. The first day I became mayor, they sit me down at the desk: big chair, dark wood, lots of beautiful things. I’m thinking, how much better can it get? There’s a knock at the door, in the corner of the room, and Pete comes walking in, carrying this gorgeous sieve, silver bowl,

Don't understand why people on here are so obsessed with the Emmy's.

Ava talking up here feminine wiles, was that a meta reference to how much cleavage she's been showing this season and how that may have distracted male viewers from clearly seeing her agency?

I laughed in a moment of unconstrained joy. Boyd's my favourite character on TV and one of my favourite ever fictional characters, but that was just a brilliant, pulsating direction to take the show in.

Fuck Ava.

Which is the one coming up?

I assumed they were made because, by doing an election storyline as well as they did, TWW had boxed the writers in creatively with what they could do.

So, West Wing fans, how do we think the Presidency of Matt Santos went? Did the situation in Kazakhstan explode, or Peter out? With a Democratic house, did they manage to pass bills on healthcare? Are Josh and Sam still in the White House? Or did the news about his possible illegitimate child break and force him to

Fantastic season of comedy. I think there are currently better comedies out there, but pretty soon Broad City is going to be the standard bearer for years to come.

Agreed. Also, the fact the conversation was happening at the apartment and not at FBI headquarters, meant Clark knew she could still be brought back from the brink.

I think Tim got the kill shot. However, let's say Raylan did kill them, who was the person he killed prior to that?

Surprised this got an A. I think there have been much better episodes this year and would've been inclined to give it closer to a B-.

When was the last time Raylan killed somebody, prior to last night?

Fuck his friend.

Did anybody else watch all of the 3rd season in one go, and feel immediately ashamed of themselves, when it ended?

Fuck off, Jonah.

I think Orphan Black is very overrated on here, personally.

We're dressing up as "Donabees" for the last episode of Mad Men and getting extraordinarily drunk, after going to a jazz bar.

Parks has ended, and It's Always sunny has gone to another level in its 10th season, but this might could be the greatest comedy in the world, today.