Michael Wilson

For sure, I'm hoping she stays on as well, but with an injury like that it's very likely her character could die. I don't suspect the intention was for her to appear to have been less seriously injured than the other characters, despite how dramatic their injuries appeared. Jack's wound to the neck looked very serious

In this interview, Fuller acknowledges that Chilton will be coming back:

She could be suffering a massive internal hemorrhage. Partial paralysis is likely. Probably not a significant brain injury on contact but there's the potential lot of impaired nervous system functioning from the spinal impact, most likely a diffuse crush injury to her spinal cord.

A fall from a second story can absolutely paralyze or kill you from trauma to the spine and/or internal organs. Three stories is considered the likely cutoff for remotely survivable falls for an adult, despite the extremely rare occasion where someone survives a much farther fall.

ah, beat me to it!

It's also possible Fuller might actually push Will to the side later on to keep the focus on the new Clarice character. The show's been faithful about having all the major events of the books occur, which means Will is not really in much of a position to be active after Red Dragon concludes. It would be like the Wire

yeah that GoT thing was so embarrassing and unnecessary. I know they are super busy putting the show together and integrating all the moving parts, but that doesn't necessitate gratuitous sadism. it's been a recurring trend to the point that i've accepted it but when it gets to the point it distorts the character

He's trolling—Ellroy's public persona has always been very tongue-in-cheek

"Americans was in week one, though everybody seems to have missed it"

how is it moronic? i thought that was the best episode in a while and the avclub reviewer clearly agrees. get over yourself.

no one's saying 'f you' to the core fan base. they've given you 14 years of brian and stewie, they are trying something out here. i think it's cool they can still come up with pretty interesting episodes.

this all starting to look like a comment thread from an actual news site, and god knows none of us want that.