Is Reyes a Brazilian name? Shouldn't it be "Reis" ?
Is Reyes a Brazilian name? Shouldn't it be "Reis" ?
Troy deserved a mention. I know it's swords and sandals fantasy war film, but it isn't just cgi hordes crashing into each other in widescreen like most post-LotR 2000s epics. It has some well choreographed fight scenes…more than Man on Fire at least.
He doesn't even get to fight Bourne!
"Asset" is longtime spy jargon. It's a nicer way of saying "pawn". I don't remember how it's used in Jurassic World.
It was bigger than Kill Zone at least.
what type of accent is Maximus supposed to have in the comic?
Federal agents wear tight black leather? Thanks Trump!
Every new mutant created in the comics automatically falls under Fox's control. So I'm afraid that 'inhuman' is going to remain the generic origin for most new superpowered characters in Marvel comics for the indefinite future.
Also Prof. X didn't exactly help with the P.R. when he started talking up the whole "homo superior", "more highly evolved" and "next wave of humanity" angles.
An aesthetic whim…like Batman's pointy ears.
But America's favorite tv star in the 80s was a black man!! And the king of Pop too!
W's National guard career wasn't news to anybody in Sept. 2004 when the story ran. The only reason CBS allowed Rather to run it was as a response to all the "Swift Boat" stories that were hitting John Kerry the previous month.
I agree with O' Neal in principle.
Except the AV Club was pretty quick to jump on the "sweeping characteristics" bandwagon back in 2011 themselves.
The most famous onion is the one that pays the A.V. Club writers' salaries.
Kimmy stopped them from getting married, at no small cost to herself.
What their characters are up to now in the Durnsville prison is irrelevant. It's not their show. Maybe we'll meet them again next season if their saga connects to Kimmy in some way.
My favorite Universal horror movies are:
MJ comes with a load of tiresome character baggage and plot expectations. I don't know how good an actress Zendaya is, but better to give her a blank slate to play with.
Can't Marvel just create another underwater tyrant character to use in the MCU? Call him "King Triton" or whatever. Obviously Universal doesn't have exclusive rights to the concept, if WB's upcoming Aquaman movie is any indication.
The diamond mines helped too.
Probably. But I doubt the sequel will also be about Wakandan civil strife and tribal insurrection.