
Character's bad behavior doesn't hurt a sitcom. Usually it helps drive the plot.
And you think six is too many cast members? Watching television over the past twenty years tells us that six is the ideal cast size for a sitcom about the romantic and career mishaps of young attractive urban singles.

Not in "Life" she wasn't.

Arrival was interesting.

It does seem like Ethan Hunt 's coworkers all put in for a transfer as soon as possible.

I haven't seen them in NYC since the nineties.

Where do they put the photos of the missing kids?

I going to make a YouTube video teaching Canadians how to operate our wacky milk cartons.

I want to know more about this pendulum he has at the back of his fridge.

A 500ml jug?

She collects spines and puts them on display in her belfry.

"and Batgirl will dress in a manner sensible for someone who is running around beating up bad guys. (Read: No high heels, no bustiers.)"

Passengers was a lousy movie with awful reviews and poor word of mouth. It had a vague title that sounded like it was a movie about Uber. It's poster was just the image of its stars. And it still made 100 million at the US box office.
How else do you explain people paying money to see that thing, aside from the star

Personal insight into Black/White relationships in America (something Peele has long experience with) does not make him an authority on all world cultural issues.

Remember, the fight with Shadow King these past eight episodes was an unexpected distraction for Summerland. Their initial interest in David was to use him as a weapon. He just turned out to be more dangerous than they realized.

I found the revolving door refreshing and realistic. Although it does suck when the most annoying character is the one that stays for the entire run of the series.

When it comes to the POTUS, all conventional wisdom is off the table.

That's true, but it was very plausible that Liz Lemon would marry some cute idiot she could keep under her thumb. The final episode drove home that Jack was her platonic soul mate anyhow.

The top photo looks more like Photoshop than makeup (or plastic surgery for that matter.)

Wacky sitcom shenanigans!

Spidey fires back with a snarky Green Lantern reference. Also insinuates he's scoring with Black Widow.