Michelle Lee

I'm a fan of all the actors involved but have to admit I was a bit bored by this after the first 30 minutes. Maybe it was the whole telling the same story from different perspective but it didn't grab me as much as I had hoped.

Give a thought to folks here who haven't read the book and don't want spoilers

I don't think the show gave the impression she was penetrated. Its only when I came here that I'm reading some thought so but that wasn't what I thought as i was watching the scene

Now hopefully Anna Torv can pick up a better show. Another one where she can kick ass. She's too good at it not to do more of it.

Maybe its the way Kruger plays here. Its like last season never existed and she's a completely different character. Looks people in the eyes, basically acts 'normal.'

Too bad Diana Kruger is miscast. I find her very weak in this role

Sonya has aspergers? I thought she was miraculously cured this season.
Really the character loses credibility how they've backtracked with it. I get that DK didn't do a great job playing it last season but this season there's like no signs she has aspergers.

I think its more Kruger didn't do a very good job playing someone with Asbergers in the first season so she's now playing it more normal. Its not consistent. See Broen S2.

Nathan Fillion let himself go and just looks so chubby and unattractive as a leading man. The actress wouldn't get away with gaining as much weight as he has.

I know there is probably no hope for Daniel and Tawney but damn I just love them 2 together

Which reminds me. Why didn't Claudia Black work more after Farscape

Anna is doing an HBO show. Hopefully, it gets picked up

It felt too gimmicky like most of this season

In terms of mythology and world building I think these shows are very comparable. I enjoy POI the least out of these 4 Bad Robot shows. I don't think its half as fun or has me as emotionally invested as I was in those previous shows.

Fringe, Lost and even Alias may have had mythology issues with some but for me they still remain superior shows than what POI has shown me so far.

A troll because I don't think its the best show on tv. Ok

I don't think its confusing.

I don't think its close to the best show on tv. It's not even the best show on CBS

POI hasn't reached Fringe level greatness and I doubt it ever will

I don't get the love for her. Ever since both Root and Shaw have taken more prominent roles, my interest in the show has lessen. I like Shaw a bit but the way Acker plays Root isn't doing it for me.