pepenador ✊

I watched 48 Hours on the Original Night Stalker (Golden State Killer) with stuff about Michelle McNamara's (Patton Oswalt's deceased wife) supposed investigation of him. It was pretty much crap, because other shows I've seen about ONS were more informative (e.x. Dark Minds ep), so McNamara didn't uncover anything the

Yeah, I think they would've been better off staying silent. It's not cool to shit on the dead. Williams' tweet was perfect.

Yeah, I'm not gonna dump on her. It's too bad her early success didn't lead to a long career and more stability. RIP another person that entertained me as a child.

I loved the penis joke, but I'm a penis-joke kinda guy.

Just checking…

Is Jack too old for Ashi re: happy ending?

Buys tickets to Iceland, packs dat dank weed.

I went to grad school at UT, and watching that made me cry. Just too real for me or something.

You can suggest shitty movies all you want, corn cob.

That's it, just Patton Oswalt quoting her investigation?

Hey, if millennials use coloring to soothe the economic darkness, I got no problem with it.

Life of the party that Nabokov.

I'm jealous that you know people who can do things.

Tourists selling weed. Huh.

MS is my Stepford wife, so please don't deprogram him.

GTFO, right? That's what I wanted to scream at him the whole time. This movie is so good.

You thinking low-dose Cialis?

Sun and/or high blood pressure.

In Veracruz & DF they have Valentina at hot dog stands, it's more of a hot sauce. But it's all called salsa in Spanish.

Chili, onions, and mustard: the trifecta.