pepenador ✊

I wish they'd shown it, it's just weird picking motion by all the Pollo junkies.

I'll extrapolate that after the inevitable break up with Kim, Jimmy moves on to strippers with huge man-made boobs.

Speaking of Gus (not from the show), Teti said he's trying to arrange Polite Fight with Gus to discuss BCS. I hope they get on it.

I love the Mike stuff. I love the Jimmy plot too, but I'm happy hanging out with Mike.

I'll allow it, though I've only ever had it for dinner. I know Chik-Fil-A sells breakfast sandwiches, but I hate that place.

We never get a good look at it. Fried chicken for breakfast is an abomination though.

No, I'm from Russia. Of course.

I ❤️ Rebecca for crushing Chuck's heart.

Cracker Barrel sounds like a Trump rally for chrissake (I know you bitches are tired of the analogies, deal with it).

I'm gonna dance on his TV grave.

Goddammit Chuck is the WORST.

You may get your wish.

That dude looks like he needs fiber asap, like he's constantly straining to push out a soccer-sized turd 💩💩💩

🐸Frogs named Pepe?😯


Dat Rooney Mara is one dangerous gang.

I was told there would be no math.

Sounds legit.


Receding hairline, looking older.