
He doesn't. I promise.

Honestly, there's a lot of insightful commentary among contributors here. DDW may be gone, so in my head I'll imagine how awesome a roundtable podcast featuring a handful of regulars would be.

No shortage of callbacks here. Midnight, waters of Mars, Destiny of the daleks, the lodger

So, did anybody else catch the "lodger" vibe? A pilot has been located? The scorch marks were the rejected pilots… But Heather wanted to leave…

And if the ending of series nine left you as cold as it did me, head over to dailymotion and check out "the hand of fear" for one of the most understated but moving companion departures of all time.

See, I really liked that whole doctor-as-greg-house thing. After Ten and Eleven being all smiling and dashing I was ready for a doctor with a good dash of One in the mix, a doctor who didn't flirt relentlessly with his companions. I absolutely loved the vast majority of series eight. Series nine was also very strong,

For what it's worth, Clara (and most of the show) was given a much needed fresh approach in series eight. I highly recommend it. Of all nuWho, I find series eight closest to the classic series. And "mummy" is a stone cold classic for the ages.

I once thought that I was upset about that as well. Then, I realized that Name was so awful I didn't really believe any of it actually happened. So then I no longer cared, and indeed was happier that the show just moved on from that like it never happened. I think that was the correct decision.

You mean, you have intellectual pursuits other than following the behind-the-scenes workings of a British tv show? That strains credulity, sir. :)

"Were i to have my druthers, i'd have one season where it eased away from being The Moffet Show by hiring four or five young, clever writers as an in-house stable, under SM's supervision, and from this group one might see what emerges."

That's adorable.

"The episode ends with Clara accepting the inevitable"

"The Doctor was not successful, he's still alone and Clara still has to die."

Agree 100%

I don't see what makes the two situations different. You say that bringing somebody back to life when their death was important bothers you. So…

I think I'm doing a poor job of communicating.

No, it's totally different.

Not blaming him at all. Somebody said Moffat was a terrible show runner, I was just pointing out he's done some good things (when he's not writing crap like "the name of the doctor" or "hell bent")

My understanding was the budget was always small. In fact, after Moffat's first year, didn't the producers fall on their swords for budgetary reasons, and then we had a bunch of split seasons and episodes like "the girl who waited" to make up for it?

I disagree. :)