Theory: The person in the vault is The Doctor, frozen at the moment he is supposed to be regenerating.
Theory: The person in the vault is The Doctor, frozen at the moment he is supposed to be regenerating.
Disappointing you'll have to wait longer to write your negative review, huh?
Good. Now let's not renew the real thing in 2020.
The fast ones are canon. Have you seen Jesus? He's ripped.
Congrats. It's well deserved.
Just whoever posts "first" on all of those columns
Someone cut the wire at the last minute!
I get all of them except "Passengers" - which had a MUCH more dangerous power imbalance (and played it off much more dangerously) and Tron: Legacy. Yes, she needed to learn about the real world, but wasn't she more knowledgable about the Tron World than the hero since she spent so much time hanging out with The Tron…
If a sitting Democrat president had said that on Sunday, we'd be wrapping up the impeachment trial about now.
Still nothing addressing the armpits, though.
he said that he liked it and that there were too many characters in Suicide Squad. It was actually measured criticism, something this website could probably learn a few things from. (Especially after yet ANOTHER long-time firing of a measured critic.)
i look forward to seeing the signs saying "sold out" everywhere.
There are some good hatesongs, but this one just comes across as kind of mean-spirited. He admits that he kind of likes one song of hers, then spends the rest of the column making fun of the artist.
They don't really seem to be trying to convince you so….
Why not? I'm 100% certain there's someone working on the technology to make it happen. One day all things will be Meryl Streep, if there's a God.
Plus, it would be amazing.
I would watch this movie.
Re: Meryl Streep as Ron Burgandy.
i would watch that movie. I would watch that movie today. They need to make that movie now. if we started a kickstarter for this, could we make it happen?
Do we have to call "dibs" on the memory Alpha entries or can we just get one started now under "cancelled projects."
The only movie I've walked out of was 28 Days. Not the Zombie movie, the Sandra Bullock Comedy. Ugh. That was terrible.