
Look, I too dislike this waif of an actress whose best movies are nearly 20 years behind her BUT :

Is she just copying Dave Chapelle 's blind racist?

That's where you jam out on the mic like Axel Rose. Just toss it around and bob your head and take a drink of your beer.

He's got you JJ… not getting up in arms over a simple and quite easy joke makes you worse than Hitler and Trump's love child named Damien.

I agree with your disagreement of that other person.

No, not fear, I don't fear Gender 21 through 36 at all.

You know what? That was a sensible chuckle of a joke and nothing more.

My jam is Benny and the Jets.

This show has been my jam since season 1and my wife can go to Hell is she doesn't like it!

No we dropped the Penny awhile back. We have no use for Pence in our world.

Is there an actual Trump supporter that would have actually gone to see Hamilton?

Lucky Lager is the best of the absolutely awful beers you pour out on a dying campfire.

America, please let this end.

What exactly happened to that woman? Was she burned or does she have a horrible disease?

That the show varies in quality week to week is an apt statement however I found this instalment to be a C- at best versus last week's B+.

But haven't we learned that trying to empower women by having them play male roles does nothing? I mean is the pinnacle of feminism stunt casting?

Was this supposed to be funny or ironic or I dunno, is post-ironic a thing?

Aren't we all a little confused by BLM?

Short men can get away with not wearing a belt.

So he's totally correct.