
Hey! That Pyromaniac story like happened in real life a year ago in Calgary.

Amy Pascal? Why?

Thank you AV Club… I never heard the words 'Great' "Long Form" and "Buzzfeed" in the same sentence before and other than this article, likely never will.

Understanding motivation is the key to controlling people.

Wait what? Americans don't eat Ketchup chips? What is wrong with you freedom loving cronies?

No way someone doesn't understand consent at 19.

Come on AV Club!!!

So did any lip readers figure out what was whispered outside the prison?

She looks good though..

Did anyone else notice the audio cue where the VHS tape falls behind the curtains?

It seems like may writers here and on other online sites really, really identify with this character.

Modine is going to come back with a sweet eye patch and fake arm.

I liked it.

I always ask people if they remember the movie that won Best Picture the year The Dark Knight came out.

All the reviews I have read so far applaud the movies scope and narrative but state that its rather pedestrian and novice in its execution.

Curse you viewers! Liking Suicide Squad when you should be supporting the real hero of the summer: Ghostbusters!

Hey LaToya,

If the chosen discourse fits….

I bet you live a happy life.

Same boat as you but I feel this thread is full of people not yet at that stage in life.