
I thought the reviewer was revealing her youth by her incredulous reaction to adults and teachers standing by during thebullying but then goes in to reminisce about the late 80'S.

No Sam you are right, he really should renounce the whole movie and go see Ghostbusters instead right?

Its a musical instrument for violence? I only thought bad saxophones playing could kill someone.

He looks exactly like what I imagined the head of Fox News would look like.

His guest starring role on House of Lies was genius.

This was a fantastic analysis of the episode and very well written.

Really sad this won't be covered anymore.

Are you guys seriously stopping Outlander reviews?

Okay, I read this entire article with the intent of an open ear to what feminist journalism has to say about a topic it clearly cares about but I soon realized this was just an echo chamber of disingenuous straw man burning.

I dont get these Neilson scores.

I can't watch it, I don't want to watch it… how I feel about GIRLS.

Wait what? You guys are narrowing your focus on reviews?

Oh man, a Ron Howard movie… super excited to half read reviews for this one and move on with my life.

I found your problem right there sir: The cover says BENDIS and not MILLAR.

Great article. This is what I come to the AV Club for, a reference to a movie I haven't seen and compelling analysis. Thank you.

I take credit for introducing it to friends and then accepting the accolades or branding them a fool if they don't like it.

I didn't consider Battlestar Galactica to be pessimistic. I found it to be very optimistic, in the face of cataclysmic annihilation and pursuit, they banded together, found a measure of faith and found a new home.

Dan KILLED it in The Guest so I am pumped to see this come to FX.

Hey Screamadelica! Damn Charlie you have great tastes in music.

In favor of true justice or "click like if you agree" social justice.