
Thank you, I was very disappointed when they changed Amy from asexual.

You know what is not a good twist? Not a single person saying what the prophesy really was when the entire world was affected by it. Rock solid logic there. Just going to ignore the fact that any fat kid over thousands of years could have easily made that prophecy come true.

THAT was what it reminded me of!

This episode had a few good moments but overall just a long fart joke and one tacked on bullshit message. Cartman's farts before put Kyle in the hospital, when people ask him if he is ok and he tells them to not worry but of course that means he is being a dick, I think he is a little entitled to feel like a martyr.

Are the commentators here serious? Yes, if there is one species on the planet that is overpopulated and destroying the environment, it is deer.

Oh Carol, you are really trying to be hated aren't you? A BIT of difference between purging the sick and killing the guy holding a gun to you.

"The creators came up with the concept for the story years ago, but it
seemed to fit perfectly into the trajectory of Korra's storyline." http://www.ign.com/articles…
I was a bit off since who knows how long "years ago" is but the fact remains that this was made when you said "before they lost touch with Eastern

True enough, it was like thirty seconds so it could have been added to the Wan episodes but they probably felt like they had to put Korra into the episode for a little bit. It is her name in the title. :P The episode after her supposed death by the dark spirit having her left out would have been a little worrying

………….You are aware that the whole story of Wan was the original idea for Avatar, right?

But again has been the same since the beginning, in this season it is just on a larger scale. Take the Moon spirit, Aang goes to the spirit world to find out who they are and how to save them. Or when Hei Bai was angry about the forest and began kidnapping people so Aang went to the spirit world to calm it.

If you do not like the spirit world aspect why are you even watching the show? It has been the recurring theme to both series since the beginning.

It was not really an amnesia story but pretty much just the reason to tell the story and at the same time change Korra's character for the better.

I really had no idea that I could disagree with a review so much, this episode was… cancer giving. It was so bad the entire series deserves to be canceled at this point just to prevent anything worse because I am sure it is possible and coming soon. Not a single moment was even able to get a smirk sooo Family Guy

Wait a minute. How could Jake know? He sees less colours than Finn since he is a dog! Sure he is "magic" so whatever.

So nobody is going to make the point that the majority of this episode had Mordecai and Rigby on hallucinogens?

I honestly do not think Carl has matured that much. There was the scene of him telling the girls to not name them but I would not doubt that he would say that any other season. He probably only told Rick anything at all about the school so that he could get his gun back, he is probably dying to act like Shane's

I was wondering what the hell took them so long too. It is a simple stabbing motion. There were not even close to one hundred walkers.

I really have to disagree, this episode was nothing but obvious and stupid. I HIGHLY doubt that anyone is working against the prison, it is more likely those little girls, they name the walkers so they are feeding them too. After Carol's little speech I would not doubt too much (although unlikely) that the girls saw

Oh alright then if those A+'s were accidents. I saw them so I figured those grades can happen.

Although that is possible what happened, it seems more likely that people learned how to properly bend the elements from animals. Such as that scene where the dragon taught Wan how to fire bend.