
I'm entirely serious, everything in it is completely subversive and totally intentional. Not just that, but look at the jukebox "teacher" in the last one. His face has a yellow circle (representing the main yellow guy), an orange rewind, (representing Roy's regressive agenda) a green fast forward button, (the green

The whole thing is a satire of the media and consumerism/corporatism. By the end of the last one, the "teachers" have even degraded into pure advertisement: "I'm gonna show you how to buy a canooooeee!". (Also, the "drowning in oil" is significant, as well as "green is not a creative color". Creative = Manmade. Green

It seems the entire thesis of Game of Thrones is that we need more women in positions of power. They are just objectively better caregivers, and their brains are wired to think of future generations over short term gains and narrow-minded self interest. Our (actual) world would be so much better.


Man, that's pretty amazing.

A number of years ago, a school teacher of mine told our class that he had died, and I had been operating under that assumption ever since. Very strange.

Man, he was great. I'll be checking out the rest of his films I haven't seen in memorium.

YES! Funniest show on TV.

As a fellow illustrator, I am quite enjoying these. Nice momentary distraction on the road to the grave. Keep up the good work!

Dude's the next Kubrick, can't wait to see this.

I'm digging the illustrations.

Yesterday I stumbled upon a song by Tim Heidecker, sung as Bob Dylan, for the 2013 Super Bowl. If you haven't seen it, (and especially if you're a fan of both), check it out: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Well it feels silly to complain about a review, but yeah, B seems too low. This album is pure sonic art.

I think this whole thing is a comment on mortality. We dream away our lives, entering/exiting rooms, and eventually hike out to a lonely old mountain and die. Very reminiscent to the lyrics for Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors, (but less ominous).


Blue Ruin and Murder Party are both masterpieces, I can't wait til this comes to a closer movie theatre.

Haven't seen this ep yet, but absolutely loving the series so far.

My point was that science points to cures that are not accepted or propagated by the doctors of Western Medicine. Follow science and reason, don't trust doctors, (by default) and never trust pharmaceutical companies.

I cured an ulcer in 10 days using cold-pressed cabbage juice 3 times a day. It's rich in L-Glutamine, aka Vitamin U (for Ulcers). Johns Hopkins did a study about this in the 70's, and found that 90%+ of people who took this regimen were completely cured within 10 days. Not a single doctor I went to did anything but