If The Melvins had a hot lead singer like any of the big 4 (Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, Nirvana, Pearl Jam) it would have been a different story for sure.
If The Melvins had a hot lead singer like any of the big 4 (Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, Nirvana, Pearl Jam) it would have been a different story for sure.
probably the last enjoyable DeNiro film
AMEN. Gunnahavemesomefun. Gunnahavemesomefun…
Carrie: "I gave up clowning years ago."
Fred: "In Portland you don't have to!"
with Frank Stallone singing the end credits music
this better have an all synthesizer soundtrack with a few guitar solos.
That would have deterred me even in my 20's.
So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time.
They should cast him as Merlin in the inevitable EXCALIBUR reboot.
"I'm with it. I'm hip. Tak-a-tak-a-tak-a-tak-a [dances the Macarena] huuuuuuUH!" ~ Dr. Evil
"Nobody hipped me to that, dude." ~ Pee Wee Herman
It'll happen to yoooou!
If it's directed by Refn, I'm there.
In Soviet Russia, footage finds you!
I feel like I'm back in 1999 again.
We all wonder why it's still on. Sincerely, Old School Simpsons Fan.
His creations are welcoming him to the Elysian Fields.
Wax Trax documentary coming, check it: https://vimeo.com/205830918
Those covers look like they were given to an intern and told only to use the company's iStock photo account.