
I hope not, they don't seem compatible. Mr Goldberg seems to be venturing into a different side of comedy which I applaud him for, but I think they should schedule based on compatibility and not who created it (I could be wrong, just going off the description of the show it doesn't look like a

Ouch, when even the CREATOR missed the time slot change! I think this is a living example of how people don't always follow their show around wherever, and they get used to seeing it at a certain time. The Goldbergs surprised me by doing well at 8pm, even though statistically I think it could have done even better at

UPDATE in 2016: Cattleman's Ranch has a C+, not B-, and the total view count is over 14,000

I feel like all the parts she could have possibly gotten have gone to Leslie Jones, someone who originally auditioned for the part with Zamata but only got a writers role. Take for example the bus sketch, Zamata probably could have done that if they wanted her to. She's listed as a main cast member when in reality she

Well, there's a difference between Catholic and Protestant I never knew then. Thanks!

Brick probably did get baptized…by the parents who did take him home! Though, I think the switch-up was only for a month.

You missed my favorite part of last night's episode of The Middle—when Mrs Donahue impromptu frosted the phone book to make it look like a cake!

My Notes

FOTB takes place in the 90s though, don't forget

Holy Crap I just realized something…The Middle is still killing it in the ratings, probably #3 comedy on all of broadcast this week, AND is a certain renewal.

You missed in the episode "The Answer" this:

When the dishwasher broke down last season I think there was at least one or two callbacks to the pilot episode. Love seeing the callbacks; there have been quite a few and it makes the show even more enjoyable.

Wonder how long Axl will live with them, if they continue that storyline at all.

I'm so glad they did it short and to the point to provide the shock value instead of having a whole "Brad is gay" episode. ABC just blew up a swear word into an entire episode of Blackish, so I'm glad they didn't make the episode Brad-centric and just kept it real.

I have to disagree there; with all due respect to Mr Goldberg I found the first batch of episodes of the series to be painful to watch. But then it got better towards the end of S1, as did Trophy Wife. I'm still mad about that one.

The Hecks are a Christian family, following episodes show Brick is too. Favorite quotes:

This was just a terrible episode—which I unfortunately suspected would be the case. That Cold Open was painfully unfunny and the Clinton sketch was solely there so she could advertise herself.

Oops. That's a hard one then. I can't bet on anything CBS or CW since those networks are becoming incredidbly unpredictable. I'll have to say…The Mysteries of Laura since it only has 13 episodes.

This is hard. So many viable options! Yet you never know how a network may surprise you with these continued renewals.

If Bobby Moynihan wasn't so valuable in sketches, I would fully support Riblet for Update. Can carry a line way better than Che.