
Honestly, yea it could be a scorched earth campaign he just seemed calm but not pre-rampage calm.

You know, I took that final scene differently, I thought Raylan was stating he was going to change and do things by the letter of the law because if not, he'd just find a reason to shoot Daryl.

When Malory said what the mirror was for… man, the laugh got stuck in my chest. Too damn funny.

Van Hunt is still one of my favorite albums and one of the first albums I felt I discovered, given it's lack of mainstream push. Just a wonderful album.

That fight for me line just didn't work for me. What is she doing? How is she fighting?

I appreciate you didn't drone on about it but I also feel some things can be seen as representing a frame so why wouldn't that color the rest of your review? I appreciate it didn't but space dedicated to it shouldn't be relevant.

I'm now of the mind that, "I don't know where this season is going" isn't a valid complaint, especially for someone doing weekly reviews of episodic television. Yes, previous seasons were serialized and established the "big bad" early but maybe they are shaking things up? Maybe this season is about how Boyd is

she's on a different show

I won't! It happened!

Emma fucked a monkey! She totally did it and they can't pretend it didn't happen.

I can't agree with you portraying Jasmine as some oft or long suffering wife of Crosby's antics. Ignoring the surprise son, didn't they break up because Crosby was feeling left out and like his feelings/opinions didn't matter to which Jasmine just shrugged and kept it moving or try to flip it on him when he actually

I find myself asking why Leonard is with her. They can both be casually cruel to each other, so that's arguably a push except she rarely (if ever) apologizes or is held accountable for it. He constantly makes jokes at the expensive of his own dignity and when he gets the gumption to actually make decent points

Maybe he just wants to get caught.

Breaking In had its charms. Poor Bret Harrison.

I liked the season up to the last few episodes where things just stopped, obviously, making sense. It was just a dick measuring contest I didn't care about and it rested on everyone not an Underwood or Tusk being kinda stupid.

Why would I have meant the black middle class? Because redlining didn't just happen, that was a concerted effort and the FHA was complicit in it. That was undermining minority wealth and propping up the wealth of whites. Yes, increasing in numbers because there were so few. And when the great recession happens and

Actually, segregation aided in the creation of much of the middle class, white wealth and hence the white-black wealth gap. Material motives are, generally, seen as logical reasons to do things.


Mike said those weren't his orders. He also said he wouldn't stop Quinn if he tried. But lets say that she assumes she's safe from an outright murdering. Ok, is that the only tool in the villain's toolbox of villainy? I'd think not and considering she only had one of the geeks as backup maybe a hasty retreat was

Huh, didn't know that. I guess half Asian, half white women could be offended too but I don't know the tropes associated with them.