Tina M.

I feel like the same thing is happening to Kennedy. There are a few posts here proclaiming that Kennedy is dead weight and should be next to go… but her record is pretty damn good. She's been rated either high or safe on the majority of the challenges. Some people just don't like her, which is a different matter

During the scene where she was learning how to fucking walk with wooden legs, you could clearly see Jessica Lange bending her foot. Madness. They only did one fucking take?? And she bent her foot during it?? CUT THE SHOT FOR GOD'S SAKE.

Ah, interesting — I totally missed that Margaret was the rich girl when she got together with Bruce. I find myself fascinated with the Solloway side of the story because there's so much unexplored emotional history there… which makes it frustrating that the Lockheart drugs n' murder drama has been driving the story

I think she was trying to say that she married Noah because she thought he was the polar opposite of her father — i.e. he was dependent on her, shy and not very social, a late bloomer, a nice guy, whatever — and then accidentally ended up with someone like Margaret? But I agree Helen's mom is literally nothing like

Yeah, not sure where Helen was going with that one. I guess earlier in the episode she accused Noah of getting with/staying with her as a quick way to maintain a certain type of lifestyle that turned out to be all surface and no substance, which is sort of what Margaret does (rather than leave Bruce for being a cheat

"If he killed her during an argument, you don't have to post a "remorseless, cruel dark side," just a temporary lapse of self-control coupled with anger over the breakup."

I mean… you're not wrong. I just disagree. While it's possible to get by on superficial charm but have a remorseless, cruel dark side that goes pretty much unnoticed and unexpressed outside of one incident, for a 17-18 year old who spent so much time among other people — I personally think it's very unlikely that that

I'm pretty sure this was a botched reference to her Emmy nomination — Washington and Dihann Carroll are the only black women to have been nominated in the "Lead Actress in a Drama" category before

EXACTLY. I know there's no point in posting new comments a day late, but I've been waiting to read someone bring this up. It's not supposed to be tragic that she was burned instead of buried, it's that her death will have no justice.

To be fair, that was a pretty shitty episode of 30 Rock.

I thought the first episode set him up as mysterious wise figure, but as soon as we heard the feds laying out the details of his case, it seemed clear that the show meant for us to think "shit, this guy is a total creep."

I think the problem is that Sophia's arc (letting her family move on while finding a new place in their lives) was completed this year when her son came to visit. Hopefully she gets involved with the overarching plot next year, or I worry she'll no longer have much to do in the context of the show period.

At this point, I like Brook. She has annoying mannerisms, but Yoga Jones is right, she is a real activist. She's not the type to pat herself on the back for posting a Facebook link or retweeting "Yes All Women" and then consider her good deeds done for the week. She has important things to say, she just has an

Yes! Loved that, and how it diffused the pointless "mystery" of who ratted them out.

I figured she was in prison for stalking him over state lines and because she attempted to build a bomb. That's a federal crime too. I know fans have read it both ways, and I don't think it points definitively one way or the other. But I personally don't see why Christopher would be called to the stand as a character

I believe everyone has been taken in by Vee because no matter how much they might want to resist, where do they have to go? Shit, if Vee is in your bunk, there is no way to get away from her. Taystee knows better than anyone: if you're not with her, you're against her. Suzanne was manipulated by Vee's false respect,

I might even make an argument for lawful evil, because working and manipulating the system is a huge part of how she operates.

Yep, at this point I think they must consciously be suggesting similarities between Bennett and Mendez. Both had consensual rape with Daya, both have been smuggling, both have knowingly lied to get someone else in trouble to cover their own ass.

Yep. Also, it's not like "prisoner" is an actual demographic, it's an experience that can happen to anyone. Half the population would go to a men's prison if incarcerated, and half to a women's prison. It's worth documenting both experiences.

Yeah, especially when he starts saying plain stupid things like 'What, so we're just supposed to LAUGH at these prisoners? You don't see a problem with that?????"