You are making me do all the work BUT I will help you. Please tell me this video is WRONG.…
You are making me do all the work BUT I will help you. Please tell me this video is WRONG.…
Then you have either never done actual research, your cognative dissonance is too much for you too over come, or your brain is not functioning correctly. You get to pick. lol
Good God! So preposterous I will NOT even look at the facts! On some people brainwashing works even better than most. What do you think flat earthers were born this way. EVIDENCE leads you to flatness.
Think logically, you think you see the curve of earth from a ship dipping below the horizon (curvature isn't the reason, it is perspective that causes that) but yet you fly up high in a plane and it looks FLAT, and they say you have to go higher. HUH?
Have you looked into NO GAS CHAMBERS yet? Same thing, it sounds CRAZY I know, and rude to even consider it. But then the evidence PILES up so quickly its mindboggling. I actually learned about that about 4 weeks ago. The lies are EVERYWHERE.
Please do.
The flat earth is just as real as EMP (probably lo,l I still have a few problems but ball earth is so much more absurd) You just have to spend like 1 hour to understand that a ball earth has many problems with REALITY. With the little information I have learned over the last week or so I could probably destroy about…
I got so crazy I made a slight error. To completely describe gravity and its effects and predict is the theory of relativity, scientist do call it a law of gravity BUT its freaking useless with outeiensiens theory of relativitiy. If you read the article it explains it pretty well.
DUDE Best understood??????. READ THE LINK below. What part of NOT BEING A LAW (FACT) do YOU NOT understand. You have been lied to. There is no way in hell can I understand gravity cause NO ONE DOES! THAT IS MY POINT!
Sorry dude, typing the same crap over and over to people gets tiring and there is so MUCH more I can go over quickly verbally but yeah I here you, I EXPOSE MY PERSONAL EMAIL TO EVERYONE and thats creepy. I guess you only do business with people who you have vetted lol.
My point is YOU told me to use scientific method to prove flat earth which I will DO BELOW for flat earth, yet science ACKNOWLEDGES that it CANNOT PROVE gravity. THE LAW of GRAVITY comes equipped with the THEORY of GRAVITY TOO, Since you cannot prove gravity soley as a law without theory, then how hell are you…
OK I'm getting tired of being so nice. Read the link below. Do you need to believe in gravity or has it been proven fact?
Then mathematically explain gravity. Sorry to to be be blunt but most likely you cannot, because even astro physics cannot. Which means you have to just accept it as fact with 0 proof. You have been brainwashed just like I was. Imagine you grew up in a house with no windows or doors no tv no internet and you never…
It only takes hours. All you have to do is open your mind .
Pilots do not.the simulations they use to train on have a a disclaimer stating that It is simulated flying over an infinite plane??? Hmmm. But don't trust me. Look for yourself.
Hit me up at I'll send you my phone number. It sounds like either you'll get me to change my mind or I will get you to change yours, no lose proposition!
Is there a way we could discuss this directly, you seem to be one of the few people here actually asking questions. I would really like to speak with you directly because this a hella lot of typing for me. My email is
Thanks hope to hear from you.
Perspective of the eye explains why it seems to rise. Thanks for following up on admiral byrd. On youtube there are videos of him being interviewed on television saying EXACTLY what I I told you.
Hey spacecop, I will try and answer your question tomorrow. Already in bed. It is generally thought among some/most flat earthers that the north pole would be in the middle of all the continents with the south pole lcoated around the entire circumfernce and yes ringed with a wall of ice just like admiral byrd…
Actually were growing. Converted about a week ago. If you just use the SIMPLE math formula for the curve of the earth, then test it against a body of water 6 or miles long, you will have a problem believing the earth can be a globe while water remains level over ANY distance. But they won't check for themselves.…