Or about lesbians. Or transgender people. Or really, anyone that isn't a white cisgender male that gives Ryan a boner, or is the Ryan stand-in.
Or about lesbians. Or transgender people. Or really, anyone that isn't a white cisgender male that gives Ryan a boner, or is the Ryan stand-in.
Yeah. Either Chris needs to work on acting like he's actually in love with Blaine, or they need to drop it. Kurt is way more fun when Chris is actually enjoying what he's working on.
Psh, no, skip parts with Becky. NYC was wildly entertaining though.
They really don't. And I think Chris has made it as clear as he's allowed that he hates Klaine. And it totally bleeds into his acting.
I'm totally pretending that this was the real Christmas episode, and last year's was the non-canon one. :-D
So logically, I totally understand all your complaints, and I don't have any arguments against them.
I'm still trying to figure out why we keep watching. Do we just like being frustrated?
Cory wasin rehab during the filming of this episode, so he couldn't be there. Fair enough.
The script was later released on the internet, and yes, she was actually raped. It was her 19-year-old camp counselor when she was 14. But all we actually saw was Alien Invasion! So it's serious when it happens to not-dumb people, but when it happens to Brittany, it's funny? Ugggh.
I know Chris has gotten some weird tweets (and I think he responded to one), and although I don't remember it specifically, it was obvious he felt uncomfortable. I think people have also sent them the stories that have been written about CrissColfer (meaning a story about the two of them having sex). It's just creepy…
I'm not sure why, but I always feel awkward when the show tries to sexualize Blaine. Maybe it's because I'm a Starkid, and I don't think Darren is the type of guy who really enjoys it or has fun with it (unlike Naya or Lea, or Chord, or whoever). Unfortunately, his only purpose is iTunes, and making 14-year-old girls…
I thought it was strange Santana didn't bring Rachel there instead. She needs to know more than Finn.
No, I don't think so. I think it's the neckbrace Cheerios who was being creepy in Sadie Hawkins.
Neckbrace Cheerios is my bet.
Darren is straight so…no
Well, when you put a guy that looks like he's in his 30s next to Chris Colfer who looks young for his age, it is really awkward.
Seriously, what kind of guy beats up (in Gleeverse, anyway) a 19-year-old?
It's because the Warblers were so popular, and Darren has the Starkid following (He did a parody musical of Harry Potter), so there are people who buy his songs (although I wouldn't be surprised if Ryan had a crush on him). I personally love him, but they probably should make the spread more even.
I gave up on this show, and this makes me glad I did. Who didn't really know that Bae was going to be the creepy guy?
There was also a show called Jack and Bobby that had one season, and one of the girls in there got an abortion.