
Well, thanks for giving me everything I always wanted but didn't know I needed, show!! That flashback adventure with May and Coulson was wonderful. As with the best writing, nothing about it was - strictly speaking - surprising, but all of it felt revelatory.

I've been thinking about this for weeks ever since reading a comment about it on these threads - wouldn't someone figure out they're an LMD if they never have to poop or pee?? Is that just handily wired into their system, to not wig out that they never have to go to the bathroom? Or is that built into the way they

That could actually be a really interesting scenario! I'd love to see that. Agnes says she likes the sound of May, and May would be quick enough to figure out what's up with Agnes - since she knows who Aida is. They would make a great double team! But if they're both living their ideal lives in the Framework (May

Mallory Jansen for the win! Getting to see her as Agnes was fantastic - really drove home what a versatile actress she is. I mean, I should have known this already since she found humanity in her villain origin story in Galavant (SAVE GALAVANT, PLEASE!!), but it was truly remarkable watching her as Agnes and Aida. I

SHIELD has perfected the Ultra Ball! Caught a high-CP Pokemon in one try - unheard of!!

How absolutely stupendous. The episode's willingness and ability to go light in rather dark circumstances was fantastic. It really highlights all of this show's many strengths, but primarily the premium it has always placed on character development. When you have lavished as much attention on all your main characters

Again loving how they're using this arc to explore May as a character. We get more confirmation that she's an actual superhero - seriously, WHO gets better at fighting simulations through sheer force of will?! Melinda May, that's who!!

P/S OMG I just realised something else: OF COURSE The Bad Place is somewhere that you can't gain catharsis through swearing/cursing. Instead, you will forever be forced to say 'fork' or 'shirt', which is CENSORSHIP and also just nowhere near as satisfying as the actual expletive. Forking fork that's brilliant!

HOLY FORKING SHIRTBALLS. I haven't been so insanely impressed by a show in a very long time. I loved The Good Place as I watched it, especially the way it insisted on zigging when sitcom tropes suggested it should zag. But I thought I was watching a bracingly intelligent comedy about ordinary people trying to be and

I definitely think that what happens when an Architect 'retires' is as real as Michael has ever been with Eleanor. I did think that 'retirement' seemed to be devastatingly harsh - but now we know that these are genuine punishments for the Bad Place Architects! Another great joke/moment that becomes even greater and

Oh god, that last scene with LMD!May at her locker - where she saw metal instead of bone - that scene was my hands-down favourite in an otherwise decent-but-unamazing episode.

She's been seeing Coulson and May as her surrogate mom and dad for ages - remember May decked out in mom!cardigan and pearls when Skye was having dreams about who she really was?? Man, that feels like ages ago now. But yes, I agree. So sweet!!

Yeah, I agree with this. Right now, it LOOKS as if Radcliffe has had the upper hand and was playing the long con all along. But Mallory Jansen has been amazing (ALSO AMAZING ON GALAVANT BRING BACK GALAVANT) in suggesting so many layers in her performance as Aida. I think the possibility remains that Aida did truly

Now THAT'S incredible character development. I've always loved the show's pacing, plot and humour, but what always brings me back is its true and dedicated commitment to character development. Even for its villains or, more accurately, antagonists. They've pulled off the master stroke of Ward/Hydra!Ward/Hive, but also

As a HUGE Mindy/Danny fan from way back - you can probably still hear echoes of my squealing when they hooked up on the plane - I absolutely agree. I think viewers/shippers tend to get confused by the undeniable chemistry between Kaling and Messina because boy, it's red-hot. I fell for it myself, and really had a

I absolutely agree. And this comes from someone who was REALLY invested in the Mindy/Danny relationship and wanted them to be end-game really badly. I actually thought that the way it broke apart in the first half of Season 4 was remarkably well done - I cried a lot in the mid-season break episode, when Mindy went