hootie mcboob

Real and portrayal Jesus had some amazing abs.

I'll give you a half-eaten sandwich for it.

I believe that was the Family Guy spoof.

Better be plenty of Asimov in there Jimmy.

Fun fact: Ronald Reagans slogan while running for President was Make America Great Again.

I'd rather see him play a hero.

You rang?

Mahershala Ali for John Stewart.

Looks like we're gonna need some more GL guys

The Gang Dances Their Asses Off is still one of my favorites.

I liked Rogue Trader with a young Ewan McGregor, and that it's based on a true story makes it even better.

God that show was awful.

Yeah no shit.

"Shall I terminate?"

I need at least 2 movies and a cable series on HK 47s adventures.

Never. Gonna. Happen. Return of the King is the closest nerds will ever get to that.

I don't know, he's such a strong presence in Gatsby. The thing I like most about Edgerton is that he's different in every movie, but not with that whole "hey look at me I'm acting" thing.

Justin Therouxs abs!!!

The Golden Child?!!! Well fuck yooooouuuuu sir!!

Clearly you've never seen the Barry Bostwick gem Project MetalBeast.