hootie mcboob

If Kaufman reappeared tomorrow, would anybody actually give a shit? With all due respect he's very overrated.

It's 2036?!!!

Why can't it be a piano player who's a chef?

AARP movie of the year.


Rip Torn at his finest!

Predator. But this is damn close.

The guy I used to buy from was known for putting on homemade porno tapes he made with various young ladies. It was ummmmm…… most unsettling.

Yeah, yeah.

I bet Sue Heck would be phenomenal at this.

Ok I agree but Ben Mendehlson is gonna steal every scene in this movie.

No no it was supposed to be rain. You've never seen it rain flags before?

Yes and yes!

It doesn't matter!

Was it really the end?

What happens when an unstoppable force meets a pretentious douche?

I'm gonna pull a Ben Grimm and stay out of it.


Maude eh?

Well FF wasn't good but it was sure as hell better than the two before it. I know that isn't saying much.